Remus Lupin pt. 2

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Remus x Reader -continuation [see previous part for details] - ! Blood ! - Word Count: 693


Claws made cuts down her cheek, red ooze slipped out, the droplets falling down her nose as se lay unconcious on the floor. 

"Y/N!" Peter slipped past the werewolf over to Y/N. Her picked her up and propped her on an arm chair away from the thrashing claws. He dabbed the blood from her cheeks gently with his sleeve, the smell of iron filling the air around him. 

"Feisty today." Sirius tightens his grip on a wand, preparing a non-lethal spell in his mind. 

"No kidding." James replies, mimicking his actions almost to the metaphorical letter. 

"I wasn't." Sirius gave James a confused look. James rolled his eyes and focused his attention back on Remus, who was now turning around and crashing into walls like a disoriented deer. 

"Hey.. Mate.." james tried to use a soft tone to calm Remus down, unsuccessfully when he kept throwing concerned glancing over to Y/N and Peter.

When the attentions of the beast was turned to Y/N and Peter James flicked his wand, 

"Expelliarmus!" He said firmly, sending the wolf back into a wall. Eminently, knocking through the wall and falling to the ground below. 

James and Sirius ran to the hole in the wall where the wolf was knocked out beneath. They sighed in relief as light began to lift on the horizon. 

They turned, relief turning into concern, "Is she okay?" 

Peter looked at Y/N and replied sarcastically, "That's gonna leave a mark." 

"Like hell. Let's bring her to Madam Pomfrey." Sirius says, already stepping forward to pick her up bridal style. "And, um, pick up Remus, will you?" He looked through the wall once more before heading off down the stairs once again. 


"Put her down Mr. Black. You said Remus did this?" Madam Pomfrey ushered Sirius into the room and gestured to Peter and James to lay down Remus who they lugged all the way back from the Shrieking Shack. Madam pomfrey cleaned the drying blood from her scratches and put large bandages over them. The skin around each scratch was red and raw, awful looking the boys thought. They sat beside the two until morning when Remus woke up in a hazy panic. 

"Calm down. The both of you ended up fine." James said, he could have done to sounded calmer but everyone awake neglected to tell him that. 

"The both of us?-" He looked across the room at Y/N still asleep in her bandages. 

He got out of bed hastily, his muscles and bones were sore and achy but he ignored every wince of pain, dropping into a chair beside Y/N's back. She was fliiped on her side, curled into the blankets. She told him that it comforted her when she was scared of something.. Or Someone. 

Remus sighed loudly which told the three other boys it was high time they take their leave. So they did, walking out of the room, sending one more lgance of sympathy to Remus. 

Remus traced his fingers over the bandages almost yelping when the sleeping figure winced in pain. He swallowed a lump in his throat and quietly sat there, watching her chest rise and fall, rubbing circles over her shoulder with his thumb. 


Y/N groaned, rolling onto her back. 

She looked at Remus, sighing in relief to see that he came out alright. He looked down at his hand, still picked raw from the night they had. She sipped her head down not saying anything but beckoning him into the covers. He was hesitant but eventually allowed her to circle her arms over him. She played with his hair and rubbed his aching shoulders. 

"How do you always knwo when i want cuddles." He asks after a few moments of silence. 

"Because, love. You only ever rub circles onto my shoulders when you have wolfie muscle pains." She kisses the top of his head and continues to work her magic. 

[Yay, done. I use this last part as my main visualization for my Remus DR cause I love him haha... Anyway, hope you enjoyed!]

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