James Potter

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James x Reader - Later Hogwarts Years - No Trigger Warnings - Word Count: 302


Y/N stared at the parchment in front of her, twirling a quill between her fingers. She scraped the tip mindlessly across the paper, the dried ink leaving only a small tear in the paper. They sighed, biting the inside of their cheek. The air was still, dusty. The only light a flickering candle and all students in the dormitory asleep. Y/N pressed her mug against her lips before pushing the empty cup aside. 

"Y'know, pushing everything to one side of the desk doesn't make it clean," The familiar voice was quiet, gentle fingers running up Y/N's upper arm. 

"Of course it does," Y/N swallowed, her dry and unused throat strained. She felt aimlessly around the desk for the mug, only to remember it was empty. 

There was a breathy chuckle, the figure kneeling beside her chair. The hand hovered at her shoulder, pushing her hair aside before slipping the quill from her fingers. Y/N tore her eyes from the blank parchment to face the boy. One side of his face was illuminated in soft orange, the other shadowed. 

James smiled slightly, "Trying to write a letter home?" 

"I promised I would write to them. I've got nothing to share," Y/N turned towards James, slouching with her hands squeezed between her thighs. 

"Apologies your year has proved so boring, my dear," James ran his fingers over the dainty stag necklace strung around Y/N's neck. 

"I could write a book about you, Potter, not close to a challenge in the slightest." Y/N stood, rubbing her arms. She leaned over to blow out the candle, watching James' face fall dark. 

He stood as well, "Given up on your letter?" 

Y/N smiled slightly in the darkness, "Captivated by sleep, actually. Goodnight, James." 

[A/N] This is minimal effort but I wanted to see if I could write better now. Thrilled to see people still read and interact with these stories despite the quality - Let me know your opinion :)

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