James Potter

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James x Reader - Later Hogwarts Years - No Trigger Warnings - Word Count: 273

'Wearing their shirts/clothes' series. 


The morning wasn't cold in the slightest. But James had Qudditch later that day and Y/N knew exactly to draw his attention from it. She allowed the day to pass by, waiting until an hour before the match begun. 

"Y/N! Baby, do you know where my uniform is?" James came down from the boys dormitory to find Y/N sitting in the common room, reading on the couch. Wearing his Quidditch jersey. He stopped dead in tracks, leaning against the wall. "Why, don't you look nice." 

"Hm, yes. Thank you." Y/N got up from the couch and walked over to him. He fiddled with the bottom of the sweater. 

"I kind of need this." He said, kissing her cheek. "Can I have it?" He gives her his very effective puppy dog eyes. 

"Hmm." Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, settling her chin on his shoulder. "If you want it.. Why don't you take it off?" She felt his back straighten. 

"Thats a good question, can I?" He slid his hand under the sweater, rubbing circles onto her hips. 

"Not now. Please, god." Peter came down the stairs, flicking James on the head. "You got Quidditch and if you want her to watch, she has to walk." He smiled, leaving the room in the same instant. 

"Yup. Thanks a bundle, Peter!" James called after him. "I'll have you later then." He breathed onto her neck, sliding the sweater over her head. "See you in the crowd?" 

"Of course." Y/N smiled, blush tinting her cheeks.

[A/N] OMG I'M SO SORRY IT'S BEEN WAY TO LONG- Anyway, I hope y'all got flustered :)

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