Sirius Black

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Sirius x Reader - Later Hogwarts Years - No Trigger Warnings - Word Count: 690


"Y/N!" A voice called out to Y/N from outside her window. She lifted her head from the Wizard's Chess board in front of her and walked over. 

"Hello?" She drew back the blinds and creaked the window ajar. "Is someone here?" She hadn't been expecting anyone to come by that night. 

"Down here!" She looked down at the field below. A familiar ebony haired boy was standing below her window. 

"Sirius? What are you doing out so late?" She furrowed her brow, looking around to see if anyone else was around. 

"What are you doing up so late?" He countered, grinning slyly. 

"Fair point. What are you doing here?" She refraised her question. 

"Rescuing my Rapunzel." She watched as he walked around the back of her house, towards the back door. 

She stood their for a moment, "What- Rapunzel?" 

She clambered down her stairs as quietly as she could down towards the back door. Her parents were long asleep and she wanted to play this Sirius situation out. She opened the latch on the door and Sirius pushed it open slowly. He kissed her cheek and took her by the hand. 

"Come on." He whispered, dragging her out the door and through the fields behind her house. 

They walked in the dark for a while. Sirius hadn't let go of her hand, instead rubbing circles over her thumb. She had been through the fields behind her house many times and wasn't afraid of the frogs chirping or the cricket's songs. A distant wolf howl sounded in the distance, it was unfamiliar and the moon was only half visible so Y/N dissmissed it. 

Soon, Sirius stopped in the center of the field. He sat down in the prickly grass, looking up at the twinkling stars. 

"What are you looking at?" Y/N asked, sitting down next to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder and looked up. 

"Do you ever wonder how lucky we are?" He asked, fiddling with her hand.

"Lucky to have what?" 

"Each other? To exist at the same time? To go to the same magical school? To be sitting in this field right now." He looked up in a daze, the stars reflecting off his dark brown eyes. Y/N leaned back, playing with his hair. 

"Actually, what I'm really wondering. What is a Rapunzel?" She grinned when Sirius chuckled. 

"It's a story Remus told me about. It's about a girl who was stuck up in a tower. A man came up to rescue her but an evil witch through him off the tower, blinding him." 

"That sounds awful!" Y/N playfully slapped his arm, "What an terrible story." She snuggled back into the crook of his neck smiling against his skin. "You know what else is terrible?" She asked. 

"What else?" Sirius turned his head towards her with a smile on his face. 

"The way you smell." Y/N made a false disgusted face at him suddenly bursting into laughter. 

He gasped, holding a hand to his heart as if he'd been stabbed. He through her over his shoulder, tickling her. 

"No- Ack! Wait- Sorry-" Y/N pleaded, laughing hysterically. 

"Oh, you tickilish?" She jumped around, bouncing her over his shoulder and continueing to tickle her. 

"Hey- Tickilish isn't a word!" She said pushing herself off his shoulder and breathing heavily. 

"Yes it is." He argued playfully. 

"No it isn't." She crossed her arms teasingly. 

"Yes it is." 



They continued to battle over the word for a straight five minutes. Until Sirius threatened to tickle her forever, then she conceaded complaining that she wouldn't be able to breath. When the moon reached it's very highest, Sirius walked Y/N home.

"Visit me tomorrow?" She asked quietly as she entered the back door. 

"Alright, Rapunzel." He kissed her forehead and returned to his own home in dog form. 

[A/N] Hi, I hope you liked it. If you did than I'm glad, if you didn't then that's fine. Did you know that the original story of Rapunzel as published in 1812 - Anyways, happy reading! 

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