Sirius Black

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Sirius x Reader - Later Hogwarts Years - No Trigger Warnings - Word Count: 1005


Yelling erupted out of the silence, it had been much to common an occurance these days. The tension seemed to seep out of the common room when they argued these days.

Remus and Peter sat anxiously on either side of the sofa in the Gryfindor common room. Stomping and yelling paraded down the corridor just outside the door.

"Me? A vicious bitch?!" Y/N yelled. Her voice was terrifying and cracked. The only strange part was the two of them had been friends for so long. Not only that, best friends. The amount of conflict between them was astronomical compared to the normal rate. Especially when the average amount was never.

No reply came against the yell except for Sirius storming in. He slammed the door behind him, prohibiting Y/N from following. More stomping continued as she left down the hall.

"Fuck!" Sirius yelled, slamming his fist into the wall. He stood their for a few moments, breathing heavily and blinking back tears of anger and agony from punching a brick wall. Which was stupid. He slapped the wall again, splitting the skin of his palm.

"Sirius.." Remus says slowly, putting his book down in concern.

"Shut up. Just.. don't. I'm going to sleep." He held his wrist, wincing as he walked up the stairs.

Remus and Peter exchanged worried glances before following him up the steps to the boy's dorms. Leaving a few lingering Gryfindor students baffled and concerned.

Y/N ran down the corridor in anger, blind with rage and regret. When she finally stopped walking she found herself by the black lake. She stood on the dock, wondering what could have brought her here. She sat, dipping her feet in the water. The soothing high tide washed up to her shines sending a shiver through her spine. She rolled her head in a circle relaxing the muscles in her shoulders a neck. She sighed deeply.

"Twat." She laid back on the soggy wood, breathing in the scent of midnight air.

"Y/N, your out past curfew. Inside, now." A prefect wearing Gryfindor robes beckoned a finger to her from the dock. She followed the Prefect inside, wiping her damp feet on the carpets of the corridors she ventured down.

"Make sure you get back to your common room." The Prefect warned, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Y/N nodded walking down a corridor towards her common room. Though, once she was out of the sight line of the Prefect she veered off towards the [Not Your Hogwarts Common Room]. Sirius would certainly find her back at H/H common room. Best to avoid it.

"Y/N?" A soft voice came to her ears from behind as she knocked on the common room door. Peter.

"Peter..?" She turned around, leaning against the door.

"We- um - We heard yelling? Is everything?-" He didn't seem very hesitant, simply lost for comfoting words. But, Y/N wasn't hesitating to cut him off.

"No. Nothing is fine. But, I will pretend it is. Goodnight, Peter." She finished definitively as the common room door opened.

"Y/N-" Another familiar voice sounded from inside.


Y/N's friend invited her into the common room where James was sat on the couch with a girl in his lap.

Y/N turned to her friend, "Looks like you could use some better company."

"Hey!" James says, offended.

"I'm sorry but your snugging sessions are revolting and happen to frequently. Goodnight." Y/N grabbed her friend by the hand and led her upstairs.

She closed the dorm door behind her, sliding down it's surface and curling into her knees.

"Okay, cut the bull. Something is wrong." Her friend sits cross-legged on her bed.

"Fighting with Sirius again." Y/N conceeds.

"Twat." Her friend lays back on her bed in exhasperation(spelling incorrect?).

"Funny. That's exactly what I said." Y/N replies, lolling her head against the door.

Her friend and her converse more about the issue, ranting about everything they hadn't had the time to before.

e to talk about. Thay tried to go to sleep but the rocking of the bed in the other dorm was so loud they couldn't catch a wink.


It had been two weeks since Y/N had approached Sirius for anything. Not for the clothes she kept in his dorm. Not for the supplies she left in his dorm. Not for anything. Much to his dismay, he hadn't found the courage to apologize either.

"Y/N.." Remus' voice came from behind. Y/N turned at her table hating herself for having to do this to him. She sighed and grabbed her books.

"I have to go guys." She dissmissed herself from the table and walked off down a corridor.

"Y/N!" Remus called after her following her down the hallway.

"Just. Don't." She tried to walk again but Remus grabbed her hand.

"No. Y/N, listen. No one likes this."

"No one likes what?" Y/N replies slyly.

"Stop this!" Remus pushed her into a wall.

"No! Remus, You stop! It's done, over." She pushed him away, half running down the hall.

She ran for a little while, until she could turn a corner out of eye-sight of the Marauders behind her. She looked back, walking backwards every once and awhile. When she was certain they weren't following her, she turned back around.

She had nearly ran right into someones chest.

"Heard you have been avoiding me." Cold, monitone, devilishly sexy- anyway.


"Without good reason. Mr. Flirt-my-way-to-hell. Shove off." He grabbed her wrist before she could escape further down the corridor.

"Ouch. I've been thinking-"

"You? Thinking? Are you okay?" She glared at him coldly.

"Fine, you won't listen I'll show you.." He looked around the corner of the hallway smugly.

"Your ridiculous-" When Y/N made another attempt to walk down the he grabbed her wrist and shoved her into the nearest wall.

"Only if I can be rridiculously in love with you.." He whispered, holding her wrists above her head and kissing down her neck.

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