The Marauders

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Marauders Friendship Oneshot - Later Hogwarts Years - No Trigger Warnings - Word Count: 1018

Before you begin, there is a character you will not recognize. Marilyn Walters as well as her siblings and parents. That's my DR self and I usually add my DR selves as cool intergrels, anyway, Enjoy!


The Chrismas season had rolled around rather slowly this year, but, Y/N was glad it was finally here. She was staying with her friend Marilyn at her country home. 

"Y/N?" Marilyn's voice got Y/N's attention. 

"Hm?" She looked away from the train window and back to her friend. 

"Aren't you excited to spend the holidays together?" She asked. 

"Of course I am!" Y/N perked up, sitting up straighter in her cushioned seat. 

Footsteps along the train made them look into the hallway. Four boys were squeezing through the aisle. Remus, Sirius, James, and Peter. Marilynn smiled and laughed as the squished onto the seats. James lifted Marilyn into the air and placed her on his lap. She laughed, almost falling over in an attempt to get off the seat. He placed her firmly down, laughing at her feeble pout. 

Sirius lifted Y/N and placed her inbetween his legs on the seat. SHe didn't struggle against him, instead propping her feet on Remus' lap. Remus smiled at her, a small blush on his cheeks. They were aware that their laughter was rather loud but they didn't care much. 

Marilyn propped her feet up onto Peter's lap, he jokingly pushed them aside. She pulled a false frown, "Okay, fine. Rat man." She smiled sweetly on the last note. 

"I'm- okay fine, I am a rat. And I can't insult dogs can I?" He brought her legs back onto his lap. 

"No, you can't insult dogs, Peter. What an awful thought." Marilyn fake cried, holding a hand over her chest. 

"Okay, mutt-girl." He sighed, closing his eyes and pretending to fall asleep. 

"Don't say that while my steel toe boots are sitting in your lap, rat man. I have the advantage." She smirked, slyly. 

"Okay, Marilyn. That would be downright cruel." Y/N teased. 

"Wow, are we are just going to ignore James face right now?" Remus and Sirius cut in, after not talking for so long. 

James was blushing. 

"Oh yeah! Right, and we are going to ignore Sirius' face right now?" He shot back at Sirius who was also a light shade of red. 

"HEy!" Sirius crackled his voice, making it sound so contorted and genuinely hilarious. 


The train came to a stop, lurching Y/N forward. She'd been staring out the window while the boys slept. Marilyn got up, grabbing her bags and bringing Y/N's to her. 

"Come on. They know the way on their own." She said, walking off the train after tapping the four on the soulder enough to wake them.

 The two took a wagon to her home. Vast fields of wheat surrounded it and a gravel pathway lead to it's entrance. 

"Y/N!" Her mother cried of joy. 

"Hello, Mrs. Walters." Y/N smiled, placing her bags down as Marilyn's s mother shook her hand. She was wearing an earthy coloured suit. A dark green adn beige patterened tie hanging around her neck. Her black hair was tied back into a sloppy bun with her wand. 

"Marilyn." Her mother put a hand on her daughters shoulder, brushing a hand down Marilyn's white button up. She brushed a lock of dark brown hair from her eyes. 

"Mom." Marilyn smiled, taking her bags to the iron staircase that lead upstairs. The house was made of wood but the furniture was modern and the staircases were metal. 

She dropped her bags by the staircase, gesturing for Y/N to do the same. 

"Hey Irene. Hey Florence. What are you guys doing?" She leaned over the couch to see her two sisters. 

"Playing Wizards Chess!" Florence replied. "Is Y/N here?" She asked, getting up off the couch. 

Y/N smiled warmly as Florence rushed over to give her a hug. Her light brown hair was braided, and a yellow flower hung behind her ear. She was wearing a pale blue cardigan, grey sweatpants, and a baggy brown shirt. Irene followed close behind, she never was one to be social. 

Her hair was also braided but Florence said that she had refused the flower. She was wearing a black band T-shirt. Her long black hair was pulled into a braid behind her. She was wearing thick and dark eyeliner which made her look a lot older.   

"Hello Florence." Y/N said kindly. Florence nodded her head giving a rare smile. 

Behind them the door was opened and closed. Marilyn's brother walked in, hardly noticing them. He was already halfway up the staircase with his bag when he realized, "Oh. Hey, Y/N. Have a good year?" He asked. His silver rings clanged against the metal staircase. He was wearing a black button up shirt and black slacks. His messy dark brown hair was parted to the side. 

"Yup. Did you?" Y/N responded, turning toward the boy on the stairs. 

"Same old. Enjoy yourself." He half smiled, which was astounding, and continued up the stairs. 

Not long after the boys arrived, pretending to be hurt at being left on the train. Marilyn still teased them about falling asleep nonetheless. 


"You finished?" Y/N turned around momentarily to see Marilyn's brother, Raymond, with her empty plate in his hand. 

"Oh, yes. Thank you!" She turned back to her friends at the dinner table. Now that Marilyn's family had gone off to other activities she was left with the boys and Marilyn herself at the table. 

"What a gentle man." Peter teased. 

"Pfft!" Marilyn burst out laughing. "Yeah, right. He's as much of a gentleman as James!" She exclaimed. 

"Ouch, that one hurt." James fake frowned. 

"Aww, is muffin man sad?" She smirked. 

"Muffin man? OKay, these nickname are becoming a little to specific!" He laughed, his voice cracking. 

Y/N could feel herself zone out for a few moments before Marilyn brought her back, "Thinking about someone?" She asked. 

"No. I just think that it is going to be a great Christmas." Y/N smiled. 

[A/N] Hi! I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! If you are wondering, probably aren't but if you are, yes. This is a memory from Christmas in my DR :D and yes, I do call James muffin man on occasion - I'll make a one shot explanation for that one, too. Happy Reading! 

-Weebie Scotts <3

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