James Potter

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James x Reader - Later Hogwarts Years - ! Smut Warning ! - Word Count: 434

This oneshot contains the Traffic Light safeword

Requested By: supercyberwarrior1 like a month ago- I'm so sorry!


It was that time at Hogwarts once again. And James was worried shitless. Normally, to the troublemaker girl, Y/N, that would be hilarious to watch. Except it was easier to be as ass when he didn't know she was helplessly in love with him. But, he did know that. 

James sat on the couch, picking at his fingers. It was something Y/N only ever saw Remus do when he was worried. It only doubled the amount of worry weighing down on her. 

"James?" He looked up. The interest he had held in a singular spot on the carpet had vaporized, his absent eyes resting on his girlfriend. Y/N crawled across the couch, pushing him down and straddling his hips. "You going to stop worrying any time soon? It's killing me." She joked. 

He smiled, the kind of smile she loved most. "Mm, I really could use a distraction.." His fingers ran lightly up her arms. A chill raced down her spine at the touch. She felt her shoulder shake as the chill vanished. She smiled down at him. 

"We have the same idea." It took less than a second for Y/N's back to be pressed against the fabric of the couch. She smirked, everything going as planned. She'd sent everyone else out to relieve the stress of the oncoming N.E.W.T. s. 

She watched submissevly as her uniform dissapeared, as did James'. She braced herself for what was coming. James thrusted into her, fast and hard. Y/N could sense, between the tense almost painful thrusts that he was waiting for her to use their safeword. She didn't. They knew he needed it, and frankly, she was more than happy to relieve some of her own stress. 

His lips travelled her chest, neck, and collarbone. James' hands gripping firmly around her wrists and her waist. It was hot, sweaty, fast. Y/N clamped her teeth down on her lip, praying she wouldn't draw blood. He stretched her out around him, in and out. Faster and faster. 

Her moans became louder, growing into a low scream. She struggled to hold her breathing level, arching her back and pressing the back of her head into the couch. 

"R-Red.." She managed to mumble, her chest heaving. The pain ceased immeadiately, warm arms wrapping around her. "Sorry.." She breathed, clinging to James chest. He shushed her, stroking her hair. 

"Thank you.." He kissed her forehead, coaxing her into a dreamless rest. 

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