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Remus x Reader - Later Hogwarts Years {Sixth/Seventh Year} - ! Smoking ! - Word Count: 867

! Smut Warning: This chapter contains explicit content some readers may not find tasteful, if you wish not to read don't. (Y/N is a dominant bottom, if that's not what you want don't read.) !  {No, I am not gonna hit ya with the "lEngTh" and the "fOlDs/HeAt"} 


The Gryfindor common room was thick with laughter. Everyone either sipping from their cups or puffing a cigarette. Y/N sat on the couch with her legs tucked in beside her. Remus sat next to her leaning heavily against the backboard, one hand placed on her thigh. Peter and Lily sat on the floor opposite them, by choice. James and Sirius sat in large armchairs flanking the couch. Lily complained of burning up on the floor with the fireplace searing holes in her skin, an exaggeration of course. She eventually moves to sit in James lap, to which he chuckled in delight. 

"Eww!" Peter teased as James kissed Lily. 

"Suck it up Peter. Couples kiss." Y/N says, placing a hand on Remus's that was still placed on her thigh. 

"You two don't." He says back, leaning back, straightening when he feels the fire. 

She pauses for a minute almost dying of laughter, "Think what you just said." She takes a sip/puff of her drink/cigarette. 

"Okay, let's be done with that." Lily gets up making James pout. She grabs the cups and cigarettes from everyone there. 

"Fine, fine." Y/N waves her away groggily. 

"Have this instead." Lily is back in the room almost as soon as she'd gone with water in her hand. 

The room seems to take a sincronized gulp. Y/N shakes her head before turning her attention back to the room. Everything seems to flow like usual. Remus never takes his hand off her thigh, rubbing small circles over her skin subconsiously. 

An hour drags along by filled with laughter and friendly bickering, Peter on fire, and other such things of amusement and mention. Though while she was having fun it was hard to discern whether Remus meant to move his hand up her leg. Not that she minded. She would've wanted to stay there forever. 

"I need to get more water." Y/N gets up and walks to a table in the far corner of the room. She takes a flask of water and pours it into  her cup. 

Arms wrap around her waist and pull her close, "What do you say we get out of here?" Remus asks from behind. 

"Love to." She smirks when Remus presses his lips gently over her neck. 

"Just go up stairs. Please? No one wants to watch this." Sirius teases. 

"Okay, single boy-" Remus picks her up bridal style and carries her up the stairs to his dormirtory. 

Laughs can be heard down the stairs along with Sirius who seems to make a hurt remark, "Single Boy?" 

Remus and Y/N ignore them completely removing the clothing that keeps them apart. Remus kisses down her neck, pulling her on top of him. 

"Darling, you don't have to go further-" 

"Remus~" She moans, "Shut up and fuck me." She smirks, reversing the roles to ensure that he would be on top of her. 

She kisses down his jaw to his chest, sucking small marks on his neck. He pulls his neck away from her lips replacing it with his own. He tries not to put to much pressure on her, hoping never to hurt her. She grabs his hair and pulls him down into her, smirking against his lips. He melts onto her, grinding down. 

"Good boy." She whispers breathlessly into his ear not letting her grip loosen on his hair. 

Remus collects himself and continues to kiss her as he fills her with his cock. She moans into his ear making sure he can hear her. He searches her voice wanting to make sure it was real. She lifts her hips looking for some kind of movement. He begins to move himself, thrusting harder when she wanted. He gripped his hands around her waist, moving her into him. She moans out and bites her lip. She collects herself only when she is able to hold her lips together tight enough to hold in the sound. When he hits her sweet spot she crumbles under him and moans out his name. He abuses her g-spot, sucking down her neck. Her loud moans ringing out through his ear make him shudder in pleasure. Without warning she cums out onto the bed sheets, weak underneath him. Satisfied he pulls out and kisses her forehead. 

He gets off the bed and throws a shirt to her. An old band T-Shirt he got while staying with Lily over one summer a few years back. He puts on jeans and leaves it at that. 

"Get some rest, darling." He whispers to her. Her eyes are closed but she gives him a small smile snuggling under his shirt. 

[All done. Hope you enjoyed this cause I hate it :) could've written better but I got to go to school in a little bit so not much time for editing, sorry about that.] 

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