Peter Pettigrew

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Peter x Reader - Later Hogwarts Years/Post Hogwarts - No Trigger Warnings - Word Count: 250


The moon was full and bright. It made Y/N think about the pain her friend was in as she lay in teh grass next to Peter. He rubbed small circles onto the her hand absentmindedly with his index finger. She closed her eyes for a moment, sighing inwardly. 

"People are going to die." She began, turning her head toward Peter, "Aren't we going to die, too?" A rise of concern constricted her chest, pulling it tight. 

Peter stared at her for a moment, forcing himself to look away moments later, "You may not.. But, maybe that's what I deserve." He pulled his hand away from hers, resting it on his chest. 

"Peter!" She sat up hasitly, slapping his arm, "You do not derseve to die!" She said loudly, keeping herself propped above him. 

Peter paused again, "I'm not a good person." He said indifferently, turning onto his side and drawing patterns into the grass. Picking at strands of shaded green weeds. 

Y/N sighed, "Maybe not," She layed down on her side, facing him, "But not all bad people deserve to die either." She pointed a finger to his chest, "This is the person  I love. Does he deserve to die?" 

Peter frowned, his eyes looking slightly dead, "Maybe.." She didn't know what he'd planned to do that night.. To Sirius... 

But she just wished that the man she fell in love with hadn't been abandoned so long ago. 

[A/N]: Oh damn- I was just trying to not write smut- sorry it's short, hope you enjoyed.. or cried. Happy/Depressed Reading! 

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