James Potter

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James x Reader - Post Hogwarts - No Trigger Warnings - Word Count: 450


The night was cold, dark. The ominous wisps of grey smoke shrouded the air in the pattern of the dark mark. It was hideous to some.. Terrifying to others. But only a few knew what it really meant. Change, conflict, and little do they not forget, suffering and death. All to which would come, muggles and wizards alike. 

"Y/N!" James' voice called Y/N's attention. They were taking refuge at the Shrieking Shack, hoping to find a way to protect the school from attack. Y/N turned slowly to face the man in the doorway, she pulled a rough blanket tighter over her shoulders. She looked at the ground momentarily before looking up again, staring blankly at the cloud of devilish smog. 

"We're gonna die.. Aren't we.." She says slowly, and sadly. Though the somposed herself and held back any sorrowful tear that threatened to come forth. 

"We are not going to die." James walked out of the Shack and out towards her. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Not before we get to live a long happy life." She coud feel him smile weakly against her shoulder. 

"Are we? Going to have a happy life that is?" She turned her head to the side slightly. 

"Hey, hey, hey." He spun her around to face him, hands still planted on her waist, "Of course we are going to live a long happy life." He ducked his head, trying to catch her gaze that had fallen onto the dew cold grass underfoot. 

She still frowned shaking her head slightly, "If we do this right and we save everyone.. I don't think we will." She states blankly, still holding in the bursting cries of sadness that pounded on her chest. "But.." She trailed off looking at the sky again, "Maybe that's okay." 

James shook her hips, "What's so interesting that you see up there?" He questioned, staring up at the faded stars with her. 

"Those two," She pointed to two stars, "They are so close.. It looks like their in love." She smiled slightly. 

"If you think so.." James cupped a hand to her cheek, "If we die, those two stars will be for us." He leans forward and pecks her lips, holding their foreheads together. 

"Now then, I think that it is time to save everyone or die trying!" She begins to jog enthusiastically toward the Shrieking Shack. 

"We aren't dying!" James calls, following close behind. 

"Nope. We already have stars Stag-Man. I am set go!!" She turns back for a moment to grin widely at him. 

[A/N]  Hey, sorry it's kinda short. I thought this was kinda cute but also kinda sad. I would think that if you are diving head long into a wizarding war as a young couple you would probably be prepared to die?? I would. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! 

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