James Potter

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James x Reader - Later Hogarts Years - No Trigger Warnings - DR Characters Involved - Word Count: 406


The sun shone bright behind Y/N's eyelids, waking her from her stupor. The night before had been. . . Interesting to say the least. Gryffindor throw lovely parties. 

"Psst! Y/N, wake up!" A voice seemed to echo inside her mind, pushing her to lift her head and throw her legs over the side of the bed. 

"What!" She responds irritably, rubbing her temples. Their head pounded at their skull, a dull ache beating behind her eyes. 

"You missed the first morning class!" The voice sudden seems alarmed which, in turn, alarms Y/N. 

"Bloody Merlin! Be right there!" She scrambles out of bed, hardly paying attention to her surroundings as she yanks on the closest pair of slacks and button up. Slinging a tie around her neck she runs for the dormitory stairs, hopping to get her boots on. 

As soon as her foot touches the stairs it gives way beneath her, sending her flying down a harsh concrete slide. 

"Might want to be careful there." Her blury vision clears as she looks up at James above her. 

"Merlin's beard, what the hell is going on?" She hears James chuckle as he lifts her off her feet. 

"You got wasted, out drank Sirius for gods sake. Mari was smoking some awful smelling crud, though." He tells her, hands holding her upright by her waist. 

"Remind me to never party ever again." She blinks a few more times before walking towards the door. 

"Will do." 


Y/N bursts through the dungeon door, running to Marilyn seated at the back of the classroom. She sits down, almost scattering her books and falling off her seat. 

Marilyn chuckles as she looks over at her, taking Y/N's tie in her hands, "Being fashionable today, are we?" She fiddles with the Gryffindor tie around Y/N's neck, one that doesn't belong to her. 

"Oh mother of mary, sorry. I was-- Well, I don't know what I was doing." Y/N admitted, dropping her head into her hands. 

"No need to apologies," Marilyn returns her gaze to the front of the room. "It was a bloody fun night. 

[A/N] Hi uh--- LKASDF;H;DFLHAKJFDH anyway, so I want to thank everyone who have been readng these! You guys are incredible and I have no idea what I would do without you. Osrry for not updating sooner. Happy Reading! 

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