Peter Pettigrew

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Peter x Reader - Later Hogwarts Years - No Trigger Warnings - Word Count: 


The castle erupted in the sound of rushed footsteps and hushed sobs. The new uprising of evil. The new uprising of everything the Wizarding World feared, dark magic. Evil people who no doubt would kill muggle borns or muggles themselves without remorse. Kill students without remorse. And worst of all, they were everywhere. They infiltrated the most secure of places, listening intently to the secrets those unfortunate wizards keep on the tip of their tongue. Even in the thick of this attack, we were running. 

Running off some place we would scheme to rise above these wizards and become a new beckon of hope. Or something like that.. Even in the thick of it their was someone missing. 


Y/N searched the room frantically and went out in the parading hall where younger students would be seen running in the opposite dirrection. 

"Y/N! Where are you going?" James yelled from a few feet away, down the hall. 

"Peter's missing! I'll meet you at the house!" She shouts in return, tumbling through the frightened kids around her. 

She heard a distant yell. For a brief moment pushing away her fear for Peter, she followed it. Lily was sat on the ground, pushed into a corner by a black-hooded man. 

"Expelliarmus!" Y/N flicked her wand at the man, sending him flying down the hall. 

"Come on!" She grabbed Lily by the arm and dragged her into a broom cupboard. 

They heard muffled orders outside and many thundering footsteps. When the noise had cleared they left the cupboard. 

They walked together through the halls until they came into earshot of another noise. A rasping one, it sounded commanding and threatening but stayed low. The voice continued to murmur and plan it's sinister events as Lily and Y/N stood outside the door, ears pressed to the wood. 

Footsteps drew near to the door which made them jump back when a hooded man exits. 

He stops in his tracks when he sees the two. 

"Avada-" Out in front of him jumped a figure, stopping him from finishing his curse. 


He turned and grabbed Y/N by the sleeve. Lily ran off down a hall in the opposite direction. The hooded man made no attempt to follow her but went off down a corridor paralell to the door he exited. 

"Y/N what are you doing here?" Peter yell-whispers holding me against a wall, in a corridor hidden from the hooded men. 

"Looking for you, of course! I wasn't about to let you get killed!" 

"Well, you need to leave. I can't let you get tangled up in this, it could get both of us killed!" 

"Tangled up in what?" 

He grunts and turns around, looking about suspriciously at the hooded men drifted past and chasing the school children around the halls. 

"All of it." 

"What's all of it? Pete, tell me what's going on or I'm walking out that door and telling them you died!" With a fear stricken heart, Y/N grabs the arms pinning her to the wall, placed on either side of her head. 

"For the better, I'd wager." A hint of sympathy strikes his eyes as they meet her gaze once again. 

"Peter!" She slaps two hands against his chest, "I'm not leaving until you tell me what kind of mess you made." She grabs the open sides of his jacket, making sure he can't leave. 

"I'm sorry." He stares at her in the eye, some form of tears welling in his eyes, "But their is no place for love here, the Dark Lord warned me himself." 

"Dark Lord? Peter, don't tell me you-" She is cut off by lips against her own. 

They move in unison for the moments of bliss it lasted. Her arms wrapped around his neck, hands tangled in his hair and ruffling it furiously. His wand was pressed agianst her waist, pushing her against the stone wall. 

"I love you." He whispers, out of breath. 

"Peter!" Y/N screams as she watches him run down the corridor, out of sight. 

[Author's Note: Sorry for the late update, I didn't realize how big these stories were going to get. Thank you for the undying support and generous reads, I greatly appreciate it. On the other hand I deeply apologise for hitting you with the angst right off the bat, we'll see where I go from here. On the bright side, we have a peter story :)] 

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