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"Oh Moooom, Daaaad, I'm hoooom—AHHHH!" As I walk into our little cottage at the edge of the village I scream at the morbid sight.

"Sorry Soph, I was just trying to put sage out to stop the stench from the fire. It's getting worse everyday, the sweet smell is just so strong. So, I asked your Father to help me anddddd, we fell. It's not what you're thinking, though if you have those thoughts something is wrong with you." She says and gives me a weird smile.

"Mother I have no idea what you're thinking, I'm only twelve." I'll be thirteen in a few weeks though. "I'll do myself a favor and call Amy down to help me clean this mess up while you straighten yourselves out." I tell them in a proper voice, they share a look—a scared look—then their faces go blank and they smile and nod.

It's been many generations since the Elves finally made contact with the Humans again. We turned out once great cities into Kingdoms—though the Elves have higher status and more officials than us—we rid ourselves of technology and advanced things. We basically went into the Dark Ages again, but that was better than the horrible world before.

I'm happy I never had to live in those places, even though I'm a low citizen living under the descendant of what they called a 'President'. From the stories I've heard, they were the ones who lived in the Dark Ages compared to us. We are free—besides living under the King's and Queen's rules, plus having sheriffs—we don't have to worry about what the old Humans back then had to.

We stay out of the Elves way and they stay out of ours, we haven't had a problem with them in ages. But, I have a rising suspicion that something will happen, and soon. My dreams are filled with weird and amazing things, it seems so real. The fires are too—how do I put this—bold, I also can't get past the smell. That all too sweet smell screams 'danger' and nobody notices it.

Well back to history, there are sixteen Kingdoms. Four belong to Humans, seven to the Elves, and one for the other sentient beings. Officials from England, Russia, Japan, and the U.S. were the only ones to hold onto power. Queen Victoria the—who even counts anymore—rules over the European lands, she has yet to wed a male—yes, female power in a sexist world is so very rare these days—so the power is solely hers. King Nikolai III and Queen Anastasia rule over the Soviet Union lands, which is mostly wasteland. It got really screwed up during the war.

When the Elves first came out, the Humans were not happy. And just like the Elves suspected, war broke loose, many lives were lost but we came to the Forbidden-Lost agreement. I don't need to describe that because it's basically how we live now. With their fancy special Elven abilities, they are better and took more power and land.

Emperor Takeshi-san and Empress Emi-san rule the Asian lands, the war skipped over them—much to the rage of the Russian King and Queen—so their lands are intact and stunning as ever. If I ever move out of my family's dump, I'm going there. King Jeffery reigns over the land here, which is the biggest land mass—much to the hatred of the other Kingdoms, we are not United Nations—still unwed. He is the most cruel of the Human Monarchs, he's a tyrant and very narcissistic. He starves us to build lavish castles to please his lovers who only use him for power and higher status.

I wish I was an Elf, I wouldn't have to live like thi—. A sandal is thrown at my head.

"Soybean, get crackin'," Amy shouts in my ear. I tug out some loose eyelashes in stress, it's important to go over history. It helps us change for the future, makes sure we don't make the same mistake. As I help Amy clean up the sage I get pulled back into history,

The Elven Kingdoms are Lumenaria, Atlantis, Eternalia, Alluveterre, Havenfield, Mysterium, and Everglen. Even though King Jeffery rules the U.S. he is aligned with King Alden and Queen Della, they rule Everglen.

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