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"Welcome to the Casco Bay Islands base. Enjoy your stay Princess Tara Fathdon." Shit!


I've been here for less than a month and I already wish to leave. It usually takes at least a month before I want to scram, but here—someone please kill me. He still doesn't like me, Ruy Ignis, a legend it seems. We're ever we go—me trailing him—everyone stops and gawks at him, they turn to their neighbors and gossip. What could honestly be more irritating than that. For Ruy, it is me.

Despite being here for less than a week he expects me to know how to defend myself and use my Psionipath ability. He was a little relieved when I told him I had mastered my other abilities and learned to use them as weapons—hence him knowing one more of my abilities. I told him I was a Hydrokinetic, it seems like the most beneficial at the moment.

He actually gave me—cruel and ugly, yet—a smile. He told me that out of all the abilities a Charger, Guster, Hydrokinetic, Inflictor, Pyrokinetic, and Vanisher were the deadliest on the killing field. And here is a direct quote, "On a killing field—which we will have soon, the abilities you have will decide a life or death situation."

His smile went away when he told me to pick a weapon and I hesitated, "Those who seek to kill you, will not hesitate Tara." I responded, "Neither will I when the time comes." He laughed and lunged, I picked up the sword—pretty shittily at that—and blocked. Blow for blow I blocked, when he backed up I went on offense.

Big mistake, he ended up slicing my arm right where my Polyglot symbol was and hitting me in the head with the pommel of the sword. He didn't even try to help me up—which I am grateful for, I don't need his pity or help. Or not that much...I still need to master my Psionipath ability.

Instead of learning the ability we worked on fighting, at first it was hand to hand combat until I mouthed off. Stupid decision on my part, but he was getting on my nerves. First he takes away my weapons—which I can't really use—when we got to the camp, then he uses our hand to hand training to beat me up and insult me. And lastly he keeps undermining me and telling me I'm useless.

We now work on daggers, archery, sparring, and other nonsense, I think he picks these things just to prove he's better. He should already know that though, I'm no Princess and like Hel I'll be Queen. It's sad, he's praising and insulting me at the same time. He's enjoying how I hate this and how he gets to kick my ass because I'm so bad. I feel as if I piss him off enough he'll beat me for fun.

"No need for the weapons today, Princess." I snarl, "Since you got as good in combat as our time allows, we are working on your Psionipath ability." I groan and he smirks, he takes pleasure in seeing me all pissed off. At least this is going to be better than getting my ass handed to me. In my training leathers, Ruy allows me into his mind to see where I need to Teleport to, despite having kicked my ass he expects me to heed his wishes in not reading his Shadowvapor, sensing his emotions, and even letting me do the Oracle thing.

When we get to the site I'm shocked to be surrounded in trees, we're in the woods. "Ruy? Why—," I get cut off by his annoying voice. "Raspberries" what the Hel? Soon enough small packs materialize out of thin air, "Oh did I forget to mention that we will be staying out here so that's we don't disturb anyone when we use our abilities." Why that son of a bitch—literally.

"Let's see if you can make shields better than you can fight." He mutters under his breath knowing fully well that I can hear every word. When he throws a small stick at me I act on instinct and push it away with Telekinesis, "The point of this is to make a shield not use Telekinesis." He deadpans and I growl at him. He tossed another stick at me and this time I blasted it with water, we both sigh in exasperation then glare at each other.

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