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Stalled as we were, Dex told me that this is where we would stay to camp for the night. It's a bit low maintenance for my taste, but everyone seemed to want to stop and pull over. I guess we were all a bit road sick, hungry, and tired—or in Keefe and Tara's case, needed to find a restroom.

Those two are the biggest idiots ever, like who drinks a whole lot of water right before we depart on a long journey? Them I guess, and as much as I'd love to see Keefe get what he deserved, I do not wish it for my bride to be.

"Since we are stalled for right now, Keefe, Tara, you can find some place over there. Now the tent arrangements will be...king and queen, Biana and Tara, Fitz and Keefe, Ruy and I. The rest of you guards will be on watch." I overheard Dex say to the rest of the group.

As Tara left to use the restroom I corner Dex, "Why am I not sharing a tent with my wife?" What looks like irritation flickers in his eyes as he begins talking. "I told her you'd say that, she said she wanted to catch up with her best friend. She also said to say, 'we aren't married yet, stop hovering.'"

I growl, "Hey hey hey, don't take this out on the messenger. I merely repeated what she told me to say. Don't get all salty now." It gets worse when my sister just appears out of nowhere and mocks me.

"Oooh brother, it looks like your betrothed likes me better. What an accomplishment on my part," she flips her hair and looks to Dex. "Thanks for the notice Dex." She winked and turned away. When I look back to the Prince he's practically drooling, "Shut your damn mouth!"

He scowls and walks away, "Jeez, don't need to bully the little people Fitzypoo." I growl again and face Kee—Tara. Her mocking was perfect, I actually thought she was Keefe. "By the look on your face I think you were fooled." She says in her normal voice this time, I nod.

She suddenly breaks off and shouts to Keefe in the distance, "See I told you he wouldn't know the difference. You owe me twenty gold lusters or a dare card, your pick." She gives him an evil look and I have to assume it had to do something with his hair.

"Duuuuuuude, that hurts that you can't tell the difference between us." Keefe says and gives me a pouty face. "Now I owe miss bossy pants here a dare card." Her smile goes wild, "Why, I think you already know what I have in mind." You can practically hear the delight in her voice.

As they walk away I just stare, even in plains clothes she looks absolutely beautiful.


Even as we walk away I can feel his stare on my back, it's nasty. Never have I ever wanted to be married, much less owned by a man I hardly remember that well. "Well Keefe, you get to let Biana and I give you a makeover. Hair included." I smirk at his reaction.

He knew that this was coming for him yet he still gives me the betrayed look. "Really Tara? Can't you be a little nicer to the hair?" He's about to say more but my winning smile cuts him off and he groans.

Leading Keefe to my tent is a Gods damned struggle, he's acting like a cat about to take a shower. "Biana help! Keefe lost a bet and we get to give him a makeover—he's just being a pain in my ass." Not three seconds later does Biana come racing out with supplies in hand.

"Oh. My. Gods. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE BEEN WAITING TO DO THIS FOR? Fucking forever, thats how long. Bring him here, I want to cherish his demise before I start it." She says giving a smile that's more evil than all of mine combined.

I give Keefe a pitying look and bring him to her. "Okay! I'll do his make-up and Tara you can do his hair. The dyes and brushes should be in the same bag next to the make-up." She explains and we get to work.

When I teleported back to the carriage with Biana in it before we came to a stop we hatched a plan for this to happen. She said that Fitz was really bad when it came down to recognizing people and that we'd surely win. And she was so right, I didn't realize how much Keefe got under his skin until now—I'll use that to my advantage.

Our plan was to make Keefe into a Vacker. That meant teal eye contacts and brunette colored hair, if only Keefe knew what we were doing. Too bad for him, he looks perfect just the way he is—albeit way better than Fitz.

Thinking about that the Vacker hair is thick and straight, Keefe's hair is more curly and puffy. As I put the dye in and massage his head, something like a purr resonates through his body and I try to stifle a laugh. The key word was try, I lose it and Biana looks at me skeptically while Keefe is the wonderful color of a watermelon.

When the dye is ready to wash out I use my Hydrokinesis to lift the water then dump it on his head but making sure not to mess up Biana's work. After the color is set I use my Guster ability to dry his hair and style it so it's straight. My only mistake was forgetting that it would be long, his hair flowed down to his chin and Biana and I lost it.

"What's so funny, you two?" Keefe asked in a scared voice reaching up to touch his hair. When he found it he shrieked, "What have you done to my beautiful hair?!" He tried to make it puff up again, but it stayed limp. If Biana hadn't snapped at him not to whine and cry he would have bawled his eyes out and ruined his make-up.

I had to tie his hands back so that he wouldn't try to mess up what I have in store. After doing some braiding that Mare would be proud of, I finished. I styled his hair so that it'd be half up half down with tiny braids in places. He looked very traditional and kind of hot.

But what if I, what if I trip?What if I, what if I fall?Then am I the monster?

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But what if I, what if I trip?
What if I, what if I fall?
Then am I the monster?

Despite his skin coloring being a shade of two lighter than the Vacker's, they could all have been twins. We all guess as much when he opens his teal contact eyes, when he sees himself in the mirror I'm shocked that he doesn't whine and complain more. "I actually quite like this hair style, I could say less about the color, but not the style."

"Wow, Lord Hunkeyhair. You changed your hairstyle, it looks good." Says an unfamiliar voice from behind us.


Why today? Why now? Could this day get any worse? It got better when I felt Tara's emotions shift about me, but declined when an annoying Ogre showed up. "Why thank you Ro. Is there a reason behind your appearance?"

The Ogre Queen's expression changes when she remembers what she came here to say. "Your mother, Keefe, she escaped."

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