~L~I~N~E~L~L~A~ ~O~N~E~S~H~O~T~

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Okay today is the day, if Tara and Tam can have their little relationship I can be brave enough to confess my feelings. Let me admit it to myself first.

I, Linh Hai Song, have had a major crush on my best friend since we were children. I haven't ever been strong enough to confess this, what the stuck up Nobles hate more than Talentless, Witches, and Bad Matches are the Elves who seriously don't belong. Today I no longer care that my reputation will be ruined because it was squandered all those years ago, when I first met Ella.


"Oh Tam, Linh, would you please come down. My dearest friends have come to visit and they have brought their daughter too." Mom's voice echoes through the halls at Choralmere. "Coming!" Tam and I shout, as we race down the stairs the thought comes to me, 'they have brought their daughter' their trying to set Tam and this girl up. I can't wait to meet my new best friend and sister in law.

Being only two, it took us longer to get down the stairs than it ought to. When I spotted Marella my heart stopped beating, as I made eye contact a humongous grin grew on both our faces. It was practically meant to be.



I got this covered, today's that day. Tara and Tam have been secretly planning a party to help me confess to Linh. I got this covered.

I, Marella Adene Redek, am in love with Linh Song, my best friend. I have been for years, ever since our initial meeting when I was supposed to get Tam to like me. Guess I made the wrong Song fall in love with me, and I won't apologize for it.

"Hey Mare, you ready. It's a big night, no matter what I'm here for you. But I hold all the cards, and you got this girl!" Tara gives me a knowing smile and slips away, probably working on last minute things with Tam.

As I gather my thoughts I can't help but think of what wonders the future holds.


"Linh it's going to be alright. You need to calm down, if it makes you feel better Tara just told me that Mare's just as nervous." That makes me feel better, to know she has a secret to tell as well.

"Well, lead the way my charming brother." He smiles at me, a rare moment. As we move into the next room I see Tara in a dress that's more than one color with designs, a very rare moment indeed.

Tam brightens more when he spots her and leaves me to wait alone, in a blink of an eye the lights dim and Tam and Tara vanish. I'm going to kill them later.

"Hi Linh." Ella comes up from behind me and whispers, she looks so pretty with her hair in the braided cornet and the long yellow dress.


"Hey Ella." Linh replies, she looks absolutely stunning. Her onyx and silver hair trail down her back and she's in a silvery blue flowy dress.

We are such opposites, but it's in a good way. I'm the luckiest girl in the world.


Both girls come up to each other and have a long hug. Being very stalkerish Tara and Tam are standing so close to the girls in Vanisher mode, neither girl suspects. They're too lost in each other's eyes.

"I have something to tell you." They blurt out at the same time, they make eye contact. "Oh no you can go first." They then add, Tam rolls his eyes. "Go at the same time...1...2...3...go!"

"I like you, like a lot. Not just as best friends..." They close their eyes waiting for the others response not knowing they said it at the exact same time.

"I now officially pronounce you girlfriends, you may kiss the girl." Tara yells as she and Tam throw confetti and give each other a kiss. "Here's to Linella!" Tara screams and hands them each a glass.

"But..." Tara and Tam give them knowing smiles. "You guys said the exact same thing at the exact same time." They laugh at that.

Tara and Tam vanish again, trying to give the girls the privacy they need. In truth they couldn't do so, their faces are up in the girls watching for what they do next.

 In truth they couldn't do so, their faces are up in the girls watching for what they do next

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Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes

"Okay, Ella, I've liked ever since our initial meeting. I knew you were going to be introduced to my brother—betrothal—but there was just something about you that had me wanting to screw up that marriage. And her we are." Linh tried to give Marella a big smile, but the tears streaming down her face made that hard. All Marella did was kiss them off her face while having her own problems with tears.

"Linh, I've liked—loved—you since that meeting as well. I was supposed to woo your brother—as my mother said—but one look at you told me I was going to woo another Song. It's always been you, I knew your parents wouldn't allow it, so I pretended to like Tam. All so I could see you." It was Linh's turn to wipe away Marella's tears.

"I love you," both girls said through overflowing tears. "Then you may kiss the other, and we can party!" Tam interrupts from his hiding spot, because of the outburst Tara punches his shoulder. "Quiet, your ruining the moment!" As all goes silent again, the girls look at each other with so much love, it was world ending.

It was Marella who followed out and kissed Linh.


Gods, oh gods, oh gods. Ella kissed me, I can't believe it Ella kissed me. I finally felt free from all my burdens, everything was nothing. All I knew was that my best friend, the girl I have loved almost all my life, kissed me.

It wasn't like those small peck on the lips kisses either, nothing like the very unloving ones my parents gave. As if Ella sensed if I was kissed like that I'd run away. For the first time in a long time, everything felt okay.


I'm a dummy, of course she wasn't ready—. Linh kissed me back. Linh kissed me back! Holy Mother of Gods, this is really happening. We are finally happening. This is the happiest time of my life, I'm finally loved for being myself again.

As if Linh sensed my thoughts, she brings her hands up to my face, breaks the kiss, and brings our foreheads together. "I love you Ella, no one else would be my better match." She wipes my tears away, I didn't know I started crying again.

"I love you too, Linh. To the other worlds and back." I wipe away her tears as she did mine, then I crush her into a hug. "Everything is okay."

Soon more pressure is on us, I turn my head to see a crying Tara and Tam. "That was so sweet and heartfelt." Tara puts in, "Why don't we join in," Tam adds.

And to quote a book that Tara brought for us, 'Through love, all is possible'

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