~D~R~U~N~K~ ~I~D~O~I~T~S~ ~O~N~E~S~H~O~T~

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I finally made seventeen, because of that Tam is taking me to the nearest tavern to celebrate. I'm not very excited, but Tam seems so forward about it. When we prepare to leave Linh and Mare decide it's best if they give us a lecture on how to act and behave. How immature do they think we are? I transmit.

"A lot Tara, too much." I can't help but snicker at his tone, it's kind of depressing. "What's so funny you two? These are key ground rules to avoid fights and getting noticed. Stay to the back, don't draw attention, and don't drink too much." Linh chastises, and Mare nods in agreement.

After finding out that they were Mates a couple weeks ago they agree on everything. Do everything the other does, always in an arm's reach of each other. I love them but they are seriously getting on my nerves, I think when people Mate they get...territorial and short tempered when they can't protect their loved ones. It's sweet me cute, but it's honestly super annoying.

"Yes we get it old crones, now leave us be." I bit my lip to contain my smile, but it still breaks loose. Even Mare—despite her overprotective ness—smiles, Linh on the other hand scowls. When we get up I make a move to my room and find the right dress.

Most of my dresses are either black, gray, or navy blue, but this one is pine green. It doesn't call attention to me and matches my contacts. I put on a white long sleeve linen undershirt, then pull the green dress over and it looks perfect. Not too poofy—like a ball gown—and not to huggy—like something that clung to my curves—it just drops to the ground. All I need to do now is put the stupid corset on.

When that's finally done—with the help of Mare—I slip into brown sandals that match the corset. I wear the dangly metal earrings I crafted with green glass in the center, with the matching metal cuff on my cartilage. I add kohl and rouge to my eyes and lips. With that I ruffle my long hair and walk out of the room.

Then walk right back in and grab my gloves, no one can see the tattoos. I'm so happy Linh bought this for me last year—well she got me three pairs, they were surprisingly cheap. Elven gloves are different from the Human ones, a smart Technopath designed these to feel like a second skin.


All I did to change was take off the white linen and change it to dark gray and put my black vest over it. When I see Tara enter the room I feel underdressed, in her Sophie character she looks better in dark clothes. While she is her true person, dark doesn't go well, she looks best in red.

"Ready to go Prince Charming?" She smirks at the name, she knows I dislike being anything like the man she's to marry. She told me it was something about his ora when she told him to leave her, she didn't get into much detail and I don't blame her. I extend my arm to her, "Yes Your Royal Majesty, let me escort you out."

We walk into the pub arm in arm, as soon as we enter everyone quiets down. This is not good, even with Tara dressing lowly she has too much of her Mother's beauty. Her grip tightens on my arm and I realize men have started moving and are ogling her.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea." Tara stiffly says from behind me, she's trying to hide in my shadows using her ability. I can't fault her, if I was her I'd want to die too. "We can leave if you want...Sophie." Even after four years she stiffens at the name Tara, she prefers to be called Sophie but we don't allow it because when she's dragged back to court that's the only name she'll have.

When hearing me use her human name she gains courage. "No, we came here to drink. We'll do just that, though I'm probably going to have one sip and back out." She smiles flashing her perfectly white teeth—seriously not helping her shake the stares off.

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