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Today is the day Alvar is going to introduce me to the Princess again. She is under no circumstances allowed to read my past. I'm told by Alvar multiple times as we make our way to the cottage. It was a surprisingly longer walk than it looked, much deeper into the woods than one thinks.

When I got my memories back I realized I had a crush in the little Princess, she was an odd ball just like me. "Ready Ruy?" Alvar asks me, we decided that I should train her ever since she got drunk and ended up spending a night in a cell. For training all I'm allowed to know is that she is a Telepath, Teleported, and Psionipath, but seriously when he says 'all I'm allowed to know' means she has more abilities.

"Should we—," I'm interrupted by a tired voice. "Linh there's two people at the door. One is the Idiot and the others the friend of the Idiot. I'm gettin—," then she gets cut off. "Sit your ass back down, you're still in big trouble. I'll deal with the Idiot." Then in a snobbier voice, "Whatever, tell him go away and come back tomorrow."

"What did you do to get the nickname 'Idiot'?" I barely contain my laughter at his white face. "I might have accidentally tried to force her into regaining her memories. I failed miserably and ended up getting kicked in an unpleasant spot." I'm not the only one who laughs at that.

I turn to the door and see a girl around my age, she has silvery pale blue eyes and onyx hair with silver tips. "Linh, you aren't supposed to be laughing. You're supposed to be kicking them out, if you don't I will get out of this bed." I tried to stifle my laughter, but the glare from the silver haired girl told me I didn't try hard enough.

When her focus comes back to us, I look over her shoulder and see long blonde hair on the ground. It's as if someone...*thunk*..."Linh, help I've fallen and I can't get up." The silver haired girl's smile goes haywire. "Excuse me, I'll be back in two seconds." The door shuts in our face.

I look to Alvar who only holds up five fingers, four, three, two, "Tara, WHAT. THE. FRICK!" In the background there's lots of crashes and screams, "Mare help me! Your Mate is going crazy!" Then there is a crazy laughter, "This is all your fault Tara, I really don't want to face her wrath."

"Screw you! Tammmmm! Wake up and help me!" This time the silver girl laughs, "Oh Sweety I drugged him, you forget you talk in your sleep. Now come back here, I will tie you to the bed!" There is a flash of light and a very loud groan. The door opens again and I see a blonde girl with fiery blue eyes, "Your welcome to come in, they are tied up at the moment and won't bother you. Prince Idiot, Idiot's friend, welcome to our workshop."

When we walked in we found that the fiery blue eyed girl wasn't lying, the silver and blondie were tied up. It looked as if they were tying each other up when they discovered they used the same rope. "I bet I didn't talk of this in my dream." Blondie grumbles.

"No shit Sherlock, if you mentioned this I would have done something else. Don't you always carry sharp objects with you, where are they when we need them." There is a harsh laugh, "You want to blame this on me? I have one sharp thing stuck to me and it's you. If only...IDEA!"

The next thing I know there is a flair of light and Linh is tied to the chair that was next to me a second ago. "Sucker! Bet you didn't expect that." In another flash of light blondie is in a gray linen shirt, black trousers, black boots, and black gloves.

"Welcome to our humble healing shack," Tara says and sketches a bow, "If you're Idiot's friend I assume you know who I am and that you are here for me." I nod, "Alright, let's get a move on things." She hugs the fiery blue eyed and moves to the silver haired and softly slaps her cheeks and kisses her head.

"Goodbye mom, tell Tam I said goodbye. Jokes on you Linh, I only told you parts of the dream. Tam's going to kill you, have a good rest of your short life." She gives a mock salute and marches us out.


"So, Prince Idiot, who's your friend?" He looks so stoic it's killing my mood, "Calling him 'Idiot's Friend' won't due." His friend only gets grumpier, it only gets worse when Alvar starts talking.

"Well I must leave you two to introduce yourselves, duty calls for. He will be training you, there will be multiple people at the camp and you must earn your keep." Of course there is a catch to his offer, I'm guessing I'm training in being a Psionipath. When that guy first came in I got a scar on the side of my thigh.

I laugh at my trainer when he gives Alvar a 'you're so dead to me' look. Training is going to be soooo fun. He stalks off without further words, I have to jog to catch up. He seems contempt to ignore me so I make it my mission to make him talk.

"So what's your name?" He gives me a burning glare and I use that to my advantage, "If you don't give me a name I'm going to have to call you Smolder. See, that burning glare is where I got it from."

"It's Ruy, now leave me alone." My eyesight goes golden and light flares, " You are—," a giant hand covers my mouth. "You are under no circumstances allowed to read my thoughts or anything of the sort. Alvar told me you're a Telepath, Teleporter, and Psionipath, I believe you're much more. My past says in the past, got that?" I nod and his hand drops, my eyes lose the golden tinge.

His emotions...he's hurt, sad, and scared. "Well I'm Sophie, Sophie Foster." All Ruy does at that is roll his eyes. When we reach a certain spot in the woods he pulls out a thing Tam described to me as a pathfinder. He grabs me by the shoulder and light engulfs us.

You're a world awaySomewhere in the crowdIn a foreign place

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You're a world away
Somewhere in the crowd
In a foreign place

"Welcome to the Casco Bay Islands base. Enjoy your stay Princess Tara Fathdon." Shit!

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A/n: for those of you who think this is semi familiar, I'm kind of taking things from different books and mashing them together. Like her contacts with the oracleness self breaking through...that's Ashryver eyes. This is like a changed version of Heir of Fire.

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