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I can't help but feel a connection to my new friends, they all seem so familiar. Like I've met them before, and I know this isn't some oracle bullshit. Like parts of my mind recognize them and the other half is pushing down the thought of that ever being possible. Okay, here goes nothing...1...2...3

"Have I met you all before?" I ask as they all say, "Have we met you before?" We all laugh, "Okay, great I'm not the only one who thinks so. I'd say I met you all before, it's just I'm having a hard time..." I try to focus and use my Oracle ability and see the past, but all I see is this weird murky darkness. "What about you all, have we met before? Do I look familiar?" They all go silent, so I'm assuming they guess something.

"Well?" Tam stands up, "You look like our Lost Princess." What?! I laugh and clutch my stomach. "Please tell me this is some kind of cruel joke. How could I ever be a Princess, I've lived my whole life in that cottage. I'm the most un-lady like person if there ever was one. I once thought I was adopted, but I saw my parents memories. I've been with the Humans my whole life."

"Sophie, you don't get it. Something happened to our 'Human' Princess exactly seven years ago, you were five at the time, same as our Princess. You have blonde hair and golden-brown eyes, just like our Princess. My Gods you even have the same scars as her. You personally know one of the Exiled Princes. Sophie, please listen. Seven years ago we were all at a party in the beloved Princess Tara's honor, she was getting betrothed to Prince Fitz. Linh, Mare, and I were at that party, it was the first time we met the brown eyed Human Princess. She was overjoyed because she just found out she could do all the cool Elfy things. If I could find a picture of her face Sophie, you'd be a splitting image of her. Not to mention, your not the only Telepath. Someone else could have planted those memories, how can you be an Elf with human parents? Haven't you ever wondered why would don't look like them?"

All I can do is stare in shock before I relent, "Fine, but I'm not going back. If I was so beloved how come I was only just found?" They all shrug, "We'll I'm not going back, I had a flashback a few days ago about the Princess. She never wanted to be Queen, she always wished to be a healer. So I'm staying here with you guys, like it or not. If the Gods wanted me to go back, they sent the wrong people to find me."

"Okay!" They all happily said in unison, I laugh, knowing I'm welcomed here. Maybe this place has always been my calling, my future, my destiny. To bad the strings of fate are pulled when you least expect it.


Yes, that was Tara. It had to be, there are no other Elves recorded in history to have those beautiful eyes. I can't lose her again, not after so long.

"Father I found the girl. But there is good and bad news. Which would you like first?" It's practically a rhetorical question, but proper nonetheless. "Bad," as soon as he says that I launch into my story.

"Bad news is I found the girl, but the Neverseen attacked and she got loose. Good news is as I was walking through the streets of the latest village, I found a girl who the stars seemed to worship. As I looked closed I realized she saw me, I stayed perfectly still as two golden-brown eyes met mine, father. Golden-brown eyes. Who is the only Elf in existence to ever have brown eyes, and golden-brown eyes at that." He looks at me expectantly and I rub the heel of my hand down my face. "Tara, dad. I found Tara, scars and all." Everyone in the room gasps and Bi faints.

"Have the Royal Messenger go throughout the Kingdoms and tell everyone." He stops for a breath, "Princess Tara has returned at last."


"Oh shit! Tara! Look, 'Prince Fitz made it back safely to Everglen—," she cuts me off. "Thank you Stars for that." She looks happy, but I give her a sad smile. "'He has told His Royal Majesty King Alden of Everglen the great news. Princess Tara Miye Fathdon is alive, the person who finds her will get a huge reward'." Everyone at the table groans, "Two day, I only had two days of peace before it was ripped from me. They're treating me like some lost dog, 'Oi, find my dog and I'll give you this much gold'." She reaches up to tug on eyelashes, I swat at her hands.

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