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Another day, Gods everyone in this insufferable Kingdom must be stupid. I've just come back from the Northern Human plains, training with Ruy. And Gods above it was harsh, I don't think I've ever worked that hard. Ever, but at least I can protect myself now.

"Ruy, I'm safe. You can go, it's only a short walk. I'll send for you if I need you." Ruy's keeping secrets but I trust him nonetheless, he told me 'no' when I asked to see his background. At first I thought he was a sketchy weirdo who would of course be friends with Alvar. But after all those months spent together, I grew to see his character—as creepy as it was.

"Tara, I'm sworn to protect you. I can't do so if I'm not near you." I groan, it's very strange being called 'Tara' after being called 'Sophie' most of my life. "You also can't do so if you're dead. I remember you saying not being welcome in any Kingdom. Ruy don't fight me in this, if you truly want me to trust you, you need to listen to orders."

It's his turn to groan, "Fine, but I'm coming back to find you if any signs of danger come. And you better be here, if you're not, I will find you and your punishment would be epic." I gawk, You're not supposed to say things like that to a Princess. I transmit, Then start acting like one, a Princess needs a guard. I pull out eyelashes, I guess I walked straight into that one. He smiles, Yup.

I roll my eyes and leave, "Bye." As I walk away multiple people pin me under their leering gaze, I try not to gag. Despite being covered in all black to hide the scars and tattoos, I left my long hair unbound and my face uncovered. Even my turquoise contacts can't hide my Oracleness self, around the core of my eyes there's a gold outline. It's like my inner self wants to be caught, it just wants to flaunt my Mother's genes that I can't hide. I also won't change the color because I look like Aelin, one of my all time favorite fantasy characters.

As I walk further into the Wanderling Woods to our cottage, I change into a navy blue dress with a plain brown corset. Being a girl is so hard, like seriously we have certain dress jurisdictions and such. We also have to act our best, or it reflects on the people around us. It's honestly stupid, do the males seriously think we are the lesser sex? We do way much more than them, and I don't see them wearing pretty dresses. But to them it's scandalous because we are so distracting, if we're so distracting avert your gaze—it's logical enough.

When I near the cottage I check to see if anyone is home by a secret trick Ruy taught me. I can sense active minds around me. It's really cool, okay there are three minds in my house. One is picturing Mare, the other is picturing Linh, and the third is thinking of me. Aww how sweet.

"Immmm baaaaa-aack!" They all rush to greet me, we haven't seen each other in months. When they see me the all stop dead in their tracks, "What? Did I miss something? Is it one of your birthdays, I tried to make sure when I was gone none of your birthdays came to pass..." I trail off after seeing their faces.

"We need to hide you, like now." Mare silently says, I have confusion written all over my face so Linh elaborates. "Tara, your a splitting image of your Mother." I balk, maybe that's why people were staring. I've never met my Mother or don't remember her, so I wouldn't know.

"Guys, you've said that for years. Nothing ever happened, I'll just be more careful. I'm not leaving our home, and neither are you guys." I stare each of them down, that's when Tam finally says something. "Tara, you know it's a risk. But...it's your choice, I'll always want what's best for you. If it means staying here I have to support your choice." I smile at him, this is why he's my boyfriend. Though something feels different now, something I can't place.

The girls look ready to fight back, so I conjure their gifts hoping it'd take their minds off me. "This is for Linh, this if for Mare, and this is for Tammy." I got rings for Linella, it symbolizes their union ship, they just learned they were Mates. I got the letter when I was with Ruy training, when I opened it I screamed so loud—Vociferator—Ruy came running because he thought I was being murdered, and for Tam I got a thing Humans call chocolate.

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