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"Come on Tam, don't be so stuck up. You know I won't go to the waterfall without you, but I will for Ella. Hurry, we need to meet her." I pushed my twin forwards. He and I were in big trouble from our parents after the incident—well mostly me. It started weighing me down so we became Witches, we dropped our titles and left. We are the exiled kids of Viscount Quan and Viscountess Mai, there not as nice as they seem—trust me.

That's when we met Marella, her Mother recently had an accident leaving Ella and her Father to care for her. Ella's Father was always a gentle man, caring and loving, but after what happened to Baroness Caprise broke him. Baron Trix Redek became a cold and calculating man, it broke Ella to see him that way so she left. We have been friends our entire lives, so when my incident happened right after Aunt Caprise's accident my parents were off their hinges.

We all left together, and I don't know how to say things but—, "You-hoo, Linh, Tammy, over here." Mare called us to the tree she was at. "Ella," I say and nod my head in greeting. It's only been an hour since I last saw her, but I'm so happy to see her again. We all live together in a small shack close to the waterfall, I'm a powerful Water Witch—along with other things—so I need to stay by the water. Ella is my partner and helps with things I can't do, like warm someone with hypothermia up. Tam is our thief, ever since we dropped our titles we left our money behind so Tam steals for us.

"Yes, Ella," he says mimicking my voice, "What do you want? We just saw you not an hour ago—," I laugh when he gets cut off. "Why, do you not want to see me? I just wanted to—," she then gets cut off. "AHH!" A girl's voice screams.

We all share a look then sprint to the waterfall, there in front of our eyes are two dark clothed figures falling over the cliff. One is clearly a girl and the other is a guy that looks very suspicious. We need to help them, but my shock keeps me standing in place. As they near the water the boy jerks his hand up and they stop in mid-air, but that's worse than falling into the water. The pressure that they had just succumbed to...*crack*...shit that's not good.

The boy lost consciousness and they plummeted into the water. When they are under the water for over ten seconds I use my Hydrokinesis and part the water looking for them, my family follows.

"Linh, Mare, over here!" Tam's voice calls, "I found them, hurry, they're in bad shape." I run as fast as I can to my brother, the girl is shockingly still conscious, but after seeing us she passed out. Just as I suspected the pressure messed them up, her sternum is the crack we heard, she also has a bloody nose and a long scratch on her left arm. It's not the cut that has me looking at her thought, it's the markings on her skin. Only Seers tattoo eyes on themselves, it helps to clear dreams so that what's to come and what's imagination is easier to see through. Not only that but the red angry scars shaped like our ability signs mar her golden sun kissed skin, and right before our eyes a flash of light happens and my Hydrokinetic sign is on her neck.

The guy she's with has bruised lungs, that's all, he looks sort of familiar but do I care about him, no...I'm more interested in the girl, so much so it has Ella looking nervous. They both suffer from stage one hypothermia, and it's too late to go back to the hovel. "Ella you need to start a fire and Tam your on look out, they were running from something or someone. It still has to be close." I use Levitation and bring them to Ella's fire, then I grab some of the herbs I always carry with me and mix them with a big bubble of water. I went to the girl first, she was hurt more than he. Ella poured a sedative down her throat and went to the guy as I healed her, they both wouldn't be up for a while, so we just sat and watched them.


These people are very suspicious, I mean falling off a cliff and wearing dark clothing. I mean I do that too and I'm very suspicious. Like Linh, I can't help but gawk at her tattoos, despite being suspicious this girl is brave. Oracles or Seers are hunted down, if they don't help a Kingdom they are a threat and executed. Because of this the Gods make few of them, on top of that her eyes are brown. Must be why she hasn't been caught, she either faked being a Human or her parents were smart and shipped her off.

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