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Apparently it could. "What is that supposed to mean?" Fitzroy demands and as if on cue Ruy, Ro, and I groan. I level a glare at the Ogre Queen and she gives me an innocent shrug, I make a sarcastic fake smile then pinch the bridge of my nose. "It means that if you listened better you'd fully understand what's going on." This makes Ruy and Keefe crack up and Fitz goes red then purple faster than Aaron could say he loves Thea. And I have witnessed Aaron say he loves Thea before, he said so quickly that the words came out in a jumble, I'm surprised that Thea could decipher it.

"I'm serious. I'm the one with the highest power right now, so you will answer." He sneers at us and I make a duck face. Trying so hard not to laugh I look back at him, "Oh, my gods, you're serious? I can name multiple people here with higher status than you. First your parents, second Ro is a Queen, and Dex, Biana, you, and I have the same title. And if we are talking about highest power I literally have it all and more." I didn't even notice when I began counting my fingers and I can tell that the others are quite literally dying trying not to laugh.

"But since I know that your ego is too big for that I'll spell it out for you. It. Means. That. I. Am. Not. Weak. And. I. Am. Awesome." I say with a big smile which makes Ruy lose it causing a chain reaction. Fitz is purple again, I do a hair flip in his face and walk in the opposite direction. "Oh, and Ro. We need to have a little girl chat." With that I walk to the river near where we are camping, I don't scout because I know that Ruy is already on it and because the royals have followed us here.

"You do know that they followed us, right Moon?" I give her an incredulous look, "Alright alright I get it, you're rusty. Need some training and watching advice from a pro?" I roll my eyes at her playfully, "I could beat you in a second. I have not become rusty, I know they are here and I can just care less if they hear us"

"Spoken like a true grumpy old cat. You sound like my father, we have to keep them on their toes or else we become predictable." I scoff, predictable? Who does she think she's talking to? "Fine, talk and spar shall we. I'm not as predictable as you think." Her eyes glow at the challenge in my voice, "Rules?" I smirk, she played into my trap.

"Till the other cowards out, but," I pause to make it more suspenseful, "When blood is drawn the other gets to ask a question--personal or not--and it must be answered or suffer the immediate forfeit. And you have to tell me about the jailbreak. Those are my terms, yours?" I know that it's easy, but as she said, I am a bit rusty.

"Loser has to kiss their you know who." My eyes widen and she cackles, but I remember that that no longer works on me and I try not to show that the rule is exempt to me. "Deal, and Ro? No cheating this time," Her nostrils flare, "Your friend Rissa deserved it. Whether I cheated or not, her ass needed to get kicked." I nod in agreement with a light smile on my face.

She grabs her sword and I grab my daggers, "I leave for five minutes and you already try to get yourself killed." Ro and I have sinister smiles on our faces, "So what if I am?" And faster than he can take my weapons, "Three two one go!" I say at light speed. I launch myself at Ro trying to get under her guard, but she dodges and laughs, "See. Predictable." She swings her sword and I duck, "So...all the...Neverseen took...was Gisela...they left everyone...else...which is a good...thing I guess." She's swinging her sword around while she's talking and I'm trying to deflect and dodge trying not to get hit.

"That sounds...so lame for...them though...I don't think...it's over yet." I feign to the right and launch both daggers at her. One barely misses causing her to take a step back into the line of the second and I draw first blood. Smiling, I do a fist pump, "Predictable my ass, Ro. You wouldn't have seen that even if it was right in front of you. Now," I give her a sinister smile as I evade all her attempts to draw blood, "Tell me about you and Bo."

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