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After the girl went inside her house I stayed out, going through memories. Could the body we found not have been Tara's? But how could that be, the body had all the same markings and looked exactly like her. After being born, Tara was subjected to people using their abilities in her, surprisingly, after every new ability use she got a new small scar. The last I knew, she had six small scars. She was born with the Enhancer marking behind her ear and a Descryer mark scrolling down her spin, this was all so weird. She's a Human, yet when abilities are first used on her, they mar her skin.

King Kenric used Telepathy to try to do something—it failed—but she got a scar, the Telepathy symbol was etched on the underside of her right wrist. Amazingly she sensed what her Father did and threw a tantrum being Human her emotions were stronger. Her Mother used Empathy to calm her down, soon after there was an Empathy symbol scarred over her heart. That scar was much bigger than her Telepathy one, that confused us a lot. We came to the conclusion that the scars were bigger when she likes them more because at the time Telepathy did spook her and the Empathy calmed her.

Her last two came from the rulers of Lumenaria, they came to visit and Tara was supposed to stay in her room. Of course she didn't listen, she snuck up on King Bronte and Queen Clarette. A Goblin bodyguard happened to see her leave, when King Bronte used his Inflicting she was fine while the Goblin collapsed and started thrashing. The goblin was cursing up a storm, enough so that Queen Clarette yelled at him in his tongue. Tara got two new scars from that day, her Inflicting scar was right next to the Empathy one, the biggest so far. The Polyglot symbol was seared onto left bicep, though that was the least of Tara's concerns that day.

That killed the theory of the scars being from likening, Tara was trying so hard to mimc people after hearing Queen Clarette. She also had no idea that King Bronte Inflicted on her. Nonetheless, she was strongly lectured while King Bronte stared at her in wonder. He told us no one, not even a person wearing an ability restrictor could go unharmed by his Inflicting. And Tara was just a three year old Human.

Loud splashing a laughing cut out my thoughts. I stare down to see Tara's look alike laughing and playing in the rain water. She was soaking wet, yet she didn't have a care in the world. As she neared home her joy dissipated, as if she new Hel was in for her. "It's quiet, it's never quiet." She mumbles, I listen and realize I don't hear her sister's high little voice, could she really be—, "AHH!" As I walk out of my hidden place, I see her body is collapsed by more bodies.


"AHH!" I scream, as I walk through the slightly opened door. There on the floor are my family's lifeless bodies. Oh my Gods, my heart is beating too fast, too many thoughts at once, all mine. How, how, how. I pass out from the grief.

"Sophie...Sophie...Sophie Elizabeth Foster!" A strong accented voice calls out, I stay in my muddled sleep, not wanting to wake up and see the bodies.

"Girl! You need to wake up now. The man who did this to your family will soon realize that he failed his mission. We need to evacuate this place before he comes back!" The voice is still all murky, but I have no choice but to obey.

I rub my swollen eyes and meet the same beautiful teal ones I saw last night. That brings me to think about what he said, my parents were murdered. But the assassin came for me? "Can I grab a few things before we leave? It'll be really quick, also can you explain what's going on as we walk." He nods so I run to my room at the end of the cottage.

I grab my favorite book 'Queen of Shadows' and stuff it in my satchel, having photographic memory I remember everything else, it's just that book was my favorite. I grab seeds from my garden, Ella—my blue elephant—, and my I-pod. I have no time to change into a tunic and such so I stick with the plain easily moveable black dress.

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