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Instead of going back to base I Vanish and watch the four Elves work it out. It's a low voice that brings me out of my stupor. "So that was your plan? To betray us even though you were wronged by the very people you're defending. I thought you were better than this" My best friend came out of the shadows, using his power to block me from getting to him.

"Sophie isn't like them, she's the future—she's our key to the better world. This isn't that world, no matter what your Mother hisses in your ear." My answers are vague because I don't know what side he's on. If only he'd seen her, I've known Sophie her whole life and he just met her once. That's not enough to judge a person fully.

"So my guess was right then, that's the Lost Princess." The statement is so bold I flinch, "Alvar, you need to tell me the truth. Then I'll think about picking my side." I take a deep breath, getting ready to explain a person from the child I knew.

"A long time ago—seven years to be exact, many minds were erased..."


"Father is it time to leave yet?" I was so excited to see Tara, even though we weren't blood related she was my favorite family member. If Tara were only a bit older we'd be betrothed, but thank Gods she wasn't, I can only see her as a little sister. My brother on the other hand didn't care for that kin ship, all he wants is power. Poor girl, I've always suspected she had a crush on him.

I've tried to help her change her mind about agreeing to the betrothal but she was just so oblivious and smitten. Being Bi's best friend didn't help either, they've always been close and Bi's always wanted a sister. I guess we were both selfish then.

"Yes, Alvar it is. Your brother is just being difficult right now. He wants to look his best during the ceremony." I groan, of course he wants to look his best. It'll make us look like fools and give him more power. Bi also isn't helping, Tara let her wear whatever she wanted. Bi dons finery, but not the traditional kind. Her body is covered in sharp objects, at this I'm not entirely mad though. The Neverseen wants to crash the ceremony and take Tara, you see everyone thinks she's Human, but she is anything but.

The party is being held at Havenfield to signal a united front for everyone. Jolie and Brant have just eloped, but everyone thinks they're dead. Sadly they aren't dead and are just like me, double agents. Every Elven Royal and most trusted courtiers knew about Tara's existence so they all came. Beside Tara, us Vacker's, and Jolie, there is one more. Several actually, but the Dizznee let go of their claim to the throne. Much to Queen Alina's chagrin, she cannot bear children. When she told King Emery he wasn't pissed, he told her to pick her most loyal companion and she would bear his son.

At the time a woman named Vespera Ignis was her best friend, little did the Queen know that Vespera was with the Neverseen. They still don't, but all will be revealed today. Ruy Ignis, my best friend would be introduced, then exiled when Vespera made the move to grab Tara.

I didn't even notice when my best friend came up to me, "Hey Alvar!" I wave back, I can't help but pity him. "Hey Ruy, want me to introduce you to Tara? She's the friendliest Elf you'd ever know." He looks nervous, but I don't know why. Is it because she's a Princess, or just a girl in general? If I were him I'd definitely be nervous though too, Tara is a hundred percent her Mother's daughter as Ruy is a hundred percent his Mother's son.

There is barely any resemblance between him and King Emery, he had his Mother's black hair and her azure eyes—though they weren't as sharp. Ruy's dark hair was on the thicker side thanks to his dad's genes, his skin also was not as pale as Vespera's. Benefit for him because his Mother looks like a damned ghost, even if I didn't know she was evil I'd assume she was. Her and Alina are the perfect match.

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