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The Ogre Queen's expression changes when she remembers what she came here to say. "Your mother, Keefe, she escaped."


Keefe's face goes slack and everyone is pondering how the Ogre Queen knew about it. "What do you mean 'she escaped'. It should be impossible for her to escape, did she have help." So this means Duchess Gisela had more skilled help than we initially thought, I look to Ruy but he's just as stumped as the rest of us.

"Before you answer that Your Majesty, please inform me on how you managed to catch Duchess Gisela, how she escaped, and WHY THE HEL DID YOU HAVE HER!" Damn, Fitz lost his chill way too soon, I expected he'd at least last around five minutes before resulting in yelling.

"First things first Wonderboy, you cannot yell at a queen since you yourself are not yet a king. Second, we didn't catch Gisela, she was brought to us by an unknown organization." She makes her point clear when she looks to Ruy, clearly not noticing me yet and settling for the closest member. "Third, she did not escape, she was rescued by another unknown organization. Lastly, we had her because we had a spy amongst the traitor Ogres and they brought her to us. We asked the Sencen's what to do with her, but Lord Fancypants couldn't even look at her so we put her in our dungeons. Does that answer everyone's questions?"

I ask one final question, "How did the Neverseen get in if the Ogre prison is as secure as you say?" The Queen then notices me and smirks, "How did the Neverseen find out about the Moonlark if you were as hidden as they say?" I stiffen as all eyes turn to me and I curse myself for not thinking things through.

"What do you mean?" Biana asks and I internally groan, Gods, why did she have to be so curious?! "Hasn't the little witch told you her backstory before you came here? She's certainly lived up to her birth title and the curses of her enemies, the Moonlark or the Little Birdy. The healer of the woods, a good friend, but who also has the potential to—,"

"Stop," though it wasn't me who said it, Ruy stepped up hand on his sword. Everyone gives a curious look at us, but they don't stop the commotion. "Would you like me to talk about you then? Her noble knight, who's so much more than everyone realizes, even your Princess." Ruy looks like he's seen a ghost, but doesn't back down. "Wow...I thought loyalty only went so far...your secret is safe for now, even the most brave and loyal of men would have backed down, but you do not.

He's never gonna make it, all the
Poor people he's forsaken, karma
Is always gonna chase him for his lies

"But even your loyalty will not stop me from telling the truth that needs to be said. Tara Miye Fathdon, Sophie Elizabeth Foster, the Moonlark, healer, witch, rouge, whateverz, you are a gift and a curse, a turning point in this unforsakable world. You have the chance to be a hero or a deceiver and no magic whatsoever can stop you, even our mighty Gods.

"Do you ever wonder why you are so special? Gifted in so many ways, all the abilities, plus some even the Gods themselves don't have. They have all blessed you, they all look after you, when you die you will join them in the heavens. But you have the potential to rule from Hel, do not think that it was just some miracle bestowed upon your parents as you were born. This has been in the making for hundreds of years, Tara. Do you really think that it was a mere coincidence that the most powerful children to grace the world were born during this time and that you all found each other?

"A dark force is coming, and only you can defeat it." Everyone is so shocked that it's eerily quiet, all I do is massage my face, sick of hearing this again. "Will people quit being so damned cryptic!" The Ogre Queen laughs and says something like, "I knew I liked you girl."

"Ignoring the fact of my origin, what does your father think of the matter, Romhilda?" I know it's a kick in the stomach, but she started it. "For the love of Ayden! It's Ro and you know it, Moon." I smile as I'm hit with one of my better memories when training with Ruy.

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