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"Nope," she says, popping the 'p', "But I will be if you help all the way."


"Welcome back to Havenfield, Tara. You wait right here, I'll send a messenger to get the King and Queen." I sit down and move to tug out lashes but then curse Linh for making me look like a doll. Instead I crack my neck and roll my shoulders, making the guards watching me unsteady.

Soon a young guard whose face I can't see but looks familiar comes up to me. "Princess Tara, your presence is requested in the throne room. If you are wondering, Prince Dex is already there." I look at him strangely and he chuckles, "Guess nothing goes unnoticed by you Moon."

I can't help but smile, "Smolder!" I softly shriek as we move further away so the others can't hear us. He places a finger on my lips, "Remember what you told me Blondie. I'm not welcome in any kingdom, you need to keep your voice down."

I give a loud un-Princess like laugh that echoes off the halls and corridors. "Wow, using my own words against me, how sad." I turn and give him a hug, "I missed you." He hugs back, "Come on Blondie, it wasn't even a day."

I guess not, with us being immortals. I'm still not used to that—knowing I'll live for such a long time. For now I just hug him till he stiffens, "Tara mind introducing me to your friend?" A voice call that makes me freeze.


I round the corner going to find Tara when I hear an obnoxious laugh that only someone who hasn't lived in luxury has. I see her crush the stranger into a hug with so much strength it's a wonder he doesn't squeak in pain.

He squezes her back with equal amount of power and looks...relieved? Happy? Before I find out I ask, "Tara mind introducing me to your friend?" Both stiffen and jump off each other.

"Yes, Dex meet...Randall, and Randall meet Dex. Randall went on the King's behighst to find me, and he got hurt—much like you. I found him as I was coming back from collecting Linh's healing herbs, the idiot fractured his ankle and seriously depleted his magic by protecting himself—he's a Psionipath. I did my Oracle check and saw he had good intentions so I brought him back, we put him in the cot and I went to make the tonics when I had a Vision. I told him the truth and he swore to keep my secret because of my honesty with him. Then blah blah blah, nothing interesting."

It's a believable story, but her slight hesitation when telling me his name. That was her tell, she also kept looking at him. I'd call her out for it later, but now we had to meet the King and Queen.

"Well it was nice meeting you Sir Randall, but I will have to cut the introduction short. Tara my Uncle and Aunt are waiting for us in the throne room, we mustn't keep them waiting." She nods her head towards 'Randall' and takes my arm.


As Tara introduces me I can't help but give an unpleased growl. She making me sound so wimpy and weak, I can't believe I almost admitted that I missed her. She elbows me, smiles, and nonchalantly points to her temple.

Over training she taught me how to shield my mind, even she can't get in. Don't you know the best truths are made with lies? It's a true story, the only lie was that Randall was not a Psionipath and when he found out about my secret I washed his recent memories. She gives me a smile, I hope you become my Royal Guard.

You sly little devil. She smirks, Bye Randall, see you soon. And that was my que to follow her in the shadows.


After we left Randall in the Tara seemed deflated, could seeing one person change her so much? Before we knew it we were standing outside the throne room, she was taking short breaths—hyperventilating.

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