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"Okay, everyone out of my daughters room. Now!" King Kenric yells, and too stunned to do anything else we all obey.


Something felt off as I woke up this morning, groaning as I sat up and stretched my limbs. "I'm going to kill whoever left my blinds open." I pout as I look around the room, when I see that everything is intact, nothing was disturbed and as such I make my way to the dressing room.

As I dress I don't dress fancifully, I dress on the rather plain side of things. I don a red flowy dress that wraps around my neck and drops to the ground. It's a more modern piece than I'm used to, if I'm not wrong people would wear things like it to 'proms'? I really don't care, it's comfortable enough.

 It's a more modern piece than I'm used to, if I'm not wrong people would wear things like it to 'proms'? I really don't care, it's comfortable enough

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I wage my war, on the world inside
I take my gun to the enemy's side
Oh, I've been asking for

I shove my feet into golden sandals, smear gold powder on my eyelids, and put on ruby studs. I then wrap myself in a golden shawl and stare at my reflection. Having time to spare I try a style that Mare is fond of, those little braids everywhere. I know it's going to take a while but I woke up early so I have time.

As I finish up the braids I see that breakfast has started a couple minutes ago, welp I guess I can make a fashionable appearance. Maybe it'll piss them off a whole lot and see that I'm unfit for this duty as a Royal. Then I get a great idea on how scare them all.

I walk out of my room and Vanish, I do all the things Calla told me to do so that I would be completely invisible. I merge my darkness and light together, I Levitate, and I put a shield of wind around myself. When I get into the dining hall everyone looks to the door expecting to see someone, I laugh but it gets blocked by the wind.

I send a gust of wind and they all fall onto their asses, I watch as their Goblin guards search and still don't find me. Smirking I look for my chair which is—sadly—by Fitz, I kill my wind when Fitz finally gets up. When I snap my fingers the wind gushing around me shoots out across the table.

"Oops. Sorry wind can be hard to control sometimes." I try to hide my grin as I see all the Royals—plus Keefe—look at me in shock. To my eternal delight Fitz has turned red with anger, guess I'm not going to be the trophy wife he wanted. That's not it, we have guests over their eyes show the same shock and color as the prick of my betrothed.


I knew that was my long thought dead friend as soon as she blew her wind across the hall and—very—undaintily sat in the chair next to my brother. I can't help but smile in delight at my brothers anger towards my best friend. Still the same despite the years that have come to pass.

"Tara," I purr and look at her, to my chagrin she looks me over and stiffens. She deflates and her grin drops, replaced by a really fake smile. "Princess Biana," she nods her head in acknowledgment, "It's truly a pleasure to meet you again." She adds being equally fake.

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