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"What are you doing here?" Says a dark voice I don't know of. "Now, I don't have all day."


As I hold a knife up to the throat of the Prince of Havenfield he still hesitates. "Tell me what you were doing spying on the Princess." There's a dark hood covering my face, underneath that is an adler.

"Nothing, we just wanted to make sure she didn't catch the other Prince and kill him." I laugh, of course. "Yes, where's the other Prince, maybe I should threaten him too. Rule one, she doesn't like private moments out in the open. Two, she really doesn't trust any of you. And three, she really doesn't like the other Prince. Now leave before I tell her about the spying—if she doesn't already know."

I snicker as both Prince and Lord stiffen, "Don't worry, she can tolerate you guys. It's just Prince Fitz she can't stand. Did you know he's using her for power, she claims she didn't know when they were younger, but she does now. You best be on your way."

I clear the path for them to walk through, as they walk my eyes are still on the back of their heads. They seriously don't know Tara at all if they think spying on her won't come with its costs, idiots. I'm stuck in a castle with big idiots who don't think Tara is a threat in her nature.


"Damn, who was that?" Dex hums in agreement though I think he already knows, "Keefe, are you stupid? It's her Randall friend. Who else do we know who'd do that in this castle?" He give me a look and I give him one back saying that I'm totally stupid, he slaps his face as to say, why'd I have to get stuck with this idiot as my partner?

We all have rooms in the same hall so when we get to our rooms we see that Tara's light is still on so we go in and investigate. As we go in I realize it was a big mistake because right as we get in something passes my face, "You're lucky I missed Sencen. What are you doing here?"

She walks over and yanks the knife out of the wall still waiting for the answer, "Well you said you were going to check on your friend. We didn't expect for you to be back this early, so we got curious as to why your light was on." She nods to Dex, so I assume she took the bait.

"So what did you assume? That I snuck back into the garden after I left everyone reeling?" Our jaws drop and she laughs, "You really thought I wouldn't notice four minds following me. I found Fitz right away, then thought you'd follow him to make sure he didn't get himself in trouble, and Randall is always trailing me. I thought the guilt of listening to my conversations with my friends would give you inspiration to kick me out of the castle. Remember, you don't know anything about me, and I you. Let us part on that happy note."

She didn't continue, she must really hate everyone in this castle. "What are you lot still doing here? If you have nothing better to do or say, get out. Get away from me, I will only ruin your happy little benevolent lives." She smiles and beams, "Sleep well stalkers!" Then shoves us out the door.


Yikes, thank gods they're gone. Everyone in this stupid castle is a creep, and I feel like I'm going to get an earful in the morning from Fitz. "Tara, you should not have gone to the garden" "Tara, you should have not gone to that guards room" "Tara, you're only meant to be a trophy wife, step down" Ugh!


"But I don't want to marry him, I want to find my Mate. No matter how long it takes, I will never truly be happy with him, I've seen it." I'm pleading with people, I can't see their faces or hear the correct tones of their voices. In visions I'm not allowed to see all of it, only little sums so I don't get out of control.

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