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Despite being Crown Prince after the terrible—not—incident, Father sent me to the disgusting Mortal lands. Even though we are at peace and have a treaty, the Elves got the better side of the bargain and by a lot. Father was anonymously tipped off that we had a missing Elf, being a Prince of the land he sent me. I'm pretty sure it was a test, if I could handle her, then I could handle the Kingdom. Alvar failed the test—quite miserably at that. He then got himself banished for that, good riddance, he's always been the competition.

This is also weird because we have no files supporting the 'missing Elf' claim, we have Witches though. Witches are rouge Elves, either too powerful or outcasts. When the treaties were made, the people in Exile we're freed for a second chance and those who didn't like our system left. Most of the sane beings came back to the Lost Cities, but some who still didn't like our laws stayed in the wilderness.

As I walk through the fifth village I've scoured in my time Elf-hunting, I see something strange. A sad girl looking at the stars, and the stars who gaze back. It looked like she had been contemplating a great deal of something in her head. I couldn't help but have a weird feeling about her, as she opened her lovely—brown—eyes once more and searched the stars for what looked like a sign. She looked so sadly familiar, before I finished my thoughts on that, as if she can hear me—which is highly impossible—her dim gold flecked brown eyes reach my bright teal ones. I gasp, she stares harder, as if confused. If it was not for her eyes, I'd say she is a descendant of Kenric and Oralie or Grady and Edaline.

I feel like I'm lost without a traceTake my heart and run awayShe said, 'I've been looking for a lasting lover'

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I feel like I'm lost without a trace
Take my heart and run away
She said, 'I've been looking for a lasting lover'

Ruckus changes my thoughts. "Sophie Elizabeth Foster, what did I tell you!" She is so startled by the voice of an old man, she falls down the rest of the stairs. "Ugh. God-father, leave me alone! Can't I do anything without you breathing down my neck? You say I'm accident prone, well you scared me into falling down the rest of the stairs." This girl is good. "I was leaving you alone, I let you stay outside haven't I? Don't think I haven't noticed how you tricked your sister into running to your room, locking the door, and basically killing a book. I was totally fine with you stargazing, until you stopped looking at the stars, and into the darkness."

"Whateverz, I'm going in. See you later, also don't stalk me. You may be my God-father and want the best for me, but it's weird. I'm already weird, I don't need you adding onto that." She's depressed again, though I'm no Empath, I feel it in the air. It's as if she shot her emotions out of her body and into the world—like and Inflictor, though they can only send out negative emotions. This feels rather of self doubt and shame, and I'm not the only one, her 'God-father' stiffens at her new face. "I'm sorry child, I know the world is unfair—," he's cut off by a voice barely cutting off anger.

"Do you really know what it's like?" She laughs hysterically, "Do you know what it's like to have no other friends besides a little sister who thinks you're weird. To have parents ashamed of you, to be able to hear what they think of me. To know what everyone thinks of me, old man you may think I'm a 'Miracle child', surviving after I hit my head when I was five. But you're wrong, I'm. Just. A. Freak! Leave me alone!" She picks up her skirts and sprints into the house and locks the door.

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