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That no good piece of shit Prince wants to make my family feel that way, I'm going to ki—, my girlfriend's soft voice pulls me out of my trance. "Tam, he didn't mean it. I can feel his regret, don't kill him. I'm sure Linh and Mare have this covered, they are strong, they don't always need us. Plus when was the last time we had some personal time?" I know what she's doing, trying to lighten the mood.

I want that so badly, but since I know we will never be Mates I have to go to my sister. When Tara flinches as if a blow had hit her I know she read my thoughts. Defeated she says quietly, "Go, I'll follow soon after." I try to talk to her, but she shuts me out. "Tam, go. They need you."

I swear I can see tears swelling in her eyes, but I listen to her. When she puts a hand to her temple I know she transmitted to Dex, my shadows are telling me he stiffened. I'm about to leave when I hear her whisper to the stars, something truly heartbreaking. "Why? Why can't I ever be happy? Will I truly ever belong?" She starts crying, and I choose to leave.


I know Tam is still here, but I just have to ask. There is no cloud in sight and the moon is full, it's my one chance to communicate with the Gods. "Why? Why can't I ever be happy? Will I truly ever belong?" As I start crying Tam hesitates but leaves.

I looked up expectantly, hoping the Gods sent a sign. Just one little thing to know that I'm not alone. "Why do you cry?" Asks a soft voice that makes me cry harder. "Starlight, why do you cry?"

"Same as before Mother...all I wish is to be happy, to be loved like when I was with you."

"Dear child, you know that was an illusion though. We love you Starlight but we were never meant to. You need to let all go, only then will do what you were meant to." My Mother's ghost starts crying, I'm a little confused why. But I don't care, it's so comforting to hear her soothing voice.

"Mother what do you mean. I wasn't meant for anything, all these things the Gods gave me as gifts won't do anything but make me more of a Freak." I spit out the last bit, hoping the Gods that sent my Mother's ghost down here heard.

"Starlight you are everything, never doubt yourself. I must return now the power that sent me here to comfort you is fading. But there are three more things you should know, one we love you very much, never forget that. Two, stay with your Prince, he is the key. Finally, all the old players have come back to play the game." Before she can say anymore she vanishes, "What's that supposed to mean? Could you be anymore cryptic? Ughh!"

Your Prince? That could be anyone. There's Dex, Rex, Lex, Alvar, Fitz, and probably way more. Not to mention it doesn't even have to be a Prince, just someone who has won my heart. My Prince Charming.

With that I curse all the known Gods in existence. One God for every ability, who all seems to want to torture me. Due to my ability to see I learned that when a God picked an Heir, they would bare the abilities mark. Guess who they all picked, me.

There's Myra, the Goddess of Beguiling who loves all things sweet. Then Zuri, the Goddess of Conjuring who favors all things beautiful—definitely not part of that. Though the Morals and Elves don't know this, those two Goddess are lovers. If only everyone knew, Linh and Mare could have came out years ago without being scared. Or everyone just knew and still didn't like the thought, even if the Gods reigned their fury in them.

The Goddess Thea is an Oracle, a Descryer, she favors all kinds of light. The sunlight, starlight, and moonlight, she also favors me. Well more than the rest, hence my nicknames—I favor Moon the most. Ruy calls me Starlight the most, but will once and a while switch it up. There's Aaron, the Flasher God who also favors light because of his lover Thea. He also favors me therefore allowing me to manipulate sunlight, starlight, and moonlight. He makes sure the stars always shine bright and give us hope. There's a healing light to his powers, if I can wield the light from the star Aurelia—which means 'golden'—good enough I can heal someone.

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