02 ⇢ wandering eyes

775 20 13


Marinette stood in front of the tall doors of her new home, wondering what the hell she'd gotten herself into.

Move-in day was anything but serene, with artists lugging easels into the small elevator shafts, taking up an unruly amount of space. The tuba, trombone, and saxophone players were even worse.

The young girl was glad that the fabric and supplies she brought were all safely tucked away in her luggage and there didn't seem to be any fashion students entering with their own mannequins, which was a thought that did cross her mind.

Whilst most of the young professionals were accompanied by their parents, a tall and lean boy with a mop of ash blonde hair caught Marinette's eye.

Where had she seen him before?

He had no apparent father or mother by his side, but a tall and slender woman who bared no resemblance to him, with deep black hair and intense eyes. She was far too impersonal with him to be a step-mother, it seemed more as though she was a nanny with a big paycheck and even bigger responsibilities.

The unnamed boy turned his gaze to the girl who was practically burning holes in the back of his head, his piercing green eyes locking with her blue ones for a short moment before she tore her vision away from him.

"Come on guys, I think I'm on the third floor." Marinette beckoned her parents to follow her, carefully reading her room number off of the welcome packet she was given at the headmaster's office about twenty minutes prior. She knew that the boys were on the first floor, with the second floor being a divider between the men's and women's floors, as well as a common space for all of the dorm's residents.

She dragged a suitcase behind her, her father taking the brunt of her things as they were finally next in line for the elevator, being far too lazy for the stairs.

They quickly made it to the third floor, which was the women's floor—as Marinette expected—and began searching for Quad 13, the four-room dorm Marinette was going to reside in.

The living situation didn't seem half bad to her. Hell, she was excited to live with three new girls and have some built-in best friends. Quad 13 consisted of four single rooms, one shared bathroom, and a common room with a balcony. The terminale on campus always got the best housing, and Marinette was glad she never had to deal with the decrepit underclassmen dorms.

When the Dupain-Cheng move-in-crew arrived at the girl's room, she fished the brand new key out of the pocket of her jeans and unlocked the door. She was surprised to see that she was the first one there, though her family had always tended to be on the early side at these things.

Thanks to Tom's strength, they managed to lug up all of Marinette's things in one trip. After all, her parents and home in Sèvres were only a metro ride away, so she didn't feel the need to bring her whole life along with her.

Marinette located the room labeled 3 in the quad, recognizing it as hers. She walked in and took in her surroundings, already feeling at home. She had to decorate, of course, but the provided desk, queen bed, and chaise already had a sort of "Marinette" flair to them.

Tom and Sabine put their arms around her, hanging on for dear life. "Are you sure you can unpack and get settled all by yourself?" Sabine asked, wanting to get a little more time with her precious only child.

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