14 ⇢ thin white lies

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Marinette's eyes flew open as she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Marinette..? We're getting ready to head to breakfast, did you forget to set an alarm again?" Rose timidly asked from the other side of the door. Marinette assumed that she was the one knocking as well.

"Uh..." Marinette attempted to reply but trailed off, her head turning to gaze at the mass of man laying next to her on the bed.

Adrien was still asleep, messy hair matted to his forehead. Marinette's eyes trailed down from his impossibly perfect face to his smooth chest, noticing that he was no longer wearing a shirt.

When in the hell did that happen?

Sure, the two made out a lot the previous night—Adrien's still-swollen lips were the proof—but no clothes came off.

At least, Marinette thought no clothes came off.

She shook herself out of her Adrien-induced trance and placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking the heavy sleeper awake.

"Mm, quit it." Adrien grumbled, resting his forearm on his forehead.

Marinette's eyes bugged wide in reaction to the boy's voice. His usual light tone was replaced by a tired and raspy one, most likely a combination of talking more yesterday night than he had in the past couple of weeks, and the morning-muck in his throat.

While she loved listening to this new dimension of his voice, Marinette remained hyper-aware of the fact that the two of them had an audience, and Adrien was speaking at full-volume.

"Shush! Go! Out the window!" Marinette panicked in a hushed voice, continuing to tap the broad boy on the shoulder in an attempt to fully rouse him. He lazily swatted her prodding hand away, slowly sitting up and leaning back against the headboard of the bed.

"Marinette..? We want to head out in five, okay?" Rose interjected again, still clueless as to what was going on behind the door she was knocking on.

"The window has shutters, Marinette." Adrien reminded her, "I can't leave out of it. Plus, we're on the third floor, and I don't want to die today."

While Marinette sighed in defeat, Adrien got out from under the covers and stood up, stretching. The young girl couldn't help but admire the boy's build as he raised his arms over his head, instinctively flexing them.

Of course, she'd seen him far more naked a few days ago in his room, but it felt more appropriate to study him in this situation.

His back was turned to her, wide shoulders tapering down to a decently slim waist. Adrien's genes rewarded him with a naturally cut body, but it was obvious he didn't spend his spare time going crazy on the weight machine at the gym.

The word that Marinette would've used to describe his physique was toned. However, the way he put his hands on either side of his lower back and leaned into the stretch left her without any words at all.

He was awfully cool about all of this, while Marinette was losing her mind. Was the boy not aware of the hell they would get from her roommates in T-5 minutes?

"What happened to your shirt?" Marinette whispered intensely, standing up and walking around the foot of her bed to face the boy. Clearly, she was happy that the pesky piece of fabric was gone, but he couldn't exactly emerge from her room half-naked like it was no big deal.

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