07 ⇢dormitory disruptions

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The remainder of Marinette's first month at her new school whizzed by. Of course, there were plenty more akuma attacks, midnight rendezvous with Chat Noir, and incidents with Chloé and Sabrina, but none were notable enough to be life changing. No, September (and the majority of October) came and went pretty smoothly, Marinette adjusting well to her Parisian lifestyle.

While the Hawk Moth issues were worsening as his experience increased, there hadn't been any attacks over the past week, which a certain blunette had been very thankful for.

Even her sleeping habits had improved with time, but her personal piano player always seemed to be right below her when she needed them. She still hadn't dared to travel down to the second floor and find out who it was, as she feared that knowing their identity would take some of the magic away.

Imagine if it was Nino! Would Alya forgive her if she was being serenaded to sleep by her boyfriend almost every night? There were too many people in her building that she didn't want to see in that room, it wasn't worth breaking the spell.

Marinette, pulled out of her reflection on her first month at Lycée Fauré, felt a strong hand grab her wrist while she was waiting for the elevator to come and take her to the third floor of the dormitory.

She turned her head to look up at the boy beside her, promptly looking down at his loud clothing.

Yeesh, what is this getup? The blunette silently judged the young man's outfit, his navy blue slacks and bright green button-down beyond mismatched.

"Marinette, dude, you have to help me. Alya and I are going out for our third anniversary and I have no clue what to wear! You're a fashion chick, please help me out!" a flustered Nino begged, sending puppy dog eyes to the young girl.

"At least you're self aware." Marinette mumbled.


"Nothing. I'd be happy to help out, just lead me to your closet, kay?" the blunette accepted with a smile. She couldn't help but be a little snarky with Nino. After all, the outfit was truly awful, and she was developing a refined taste through her fashion courses.

Nino nodded as the elevator came down. They entered, going to the first floor as opposed to Marinette's original destination, the third.

Marinette, in her almost two months at Lycée Fauré, had barely set foot on the boy's floor. She had no reason to, after all. Alya, however, would frequently visit the first floor both during the day and past curfew, being a tad obsessed with her 'boo-thang'. She supposed that it didn't really matter, because Nino was the same exact way with Alya.

Of course, since Nino had more room in his double with Adrien, as opposed to a quad room, Alya almost always went down to him. The Quad was already chock-full with four girls, Alya didn't need to add a late night session with Nino to the mix.

Nino practically dragged Marinette into his room, him and Adrien sharing a much smaller common room than those in the quad dorms, which made sense, as only two students shared it. There was really only room for a couch and a TV, both of which they happened to have. A mini-fridge was tucked in the corner, and as if on cue, Nino sauntered over to it, pulling out an energy drink.

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