16 ⇢ our little world

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"You know, I really can't believe you Mari. You should never lie to your besties!"

Marinette was not amused by Alya's attitude, even if it was projected through the phone.

The young girl sat upright in Adrien's bed, disgruntled by her roommate's impromptu wake up call. While it was sweet of Alya to check-in with Marinette when she found her bed empty that morning, it wasn't so sweet of her to call the girl out on her bullshit.

"I'm not lying! Really, I got caught up with some fashion stuff and ended up crashing in Chloé and Sabrina's room!"

Marinette knew it was a bad lie, she could feel it as soon as the words left her lips.

"Well, I hope you and Adrien have fun." Alya teased.

As soon as Marinette started to interject, her roommate spoke up again to cut her off.

"There's still time for a quickie before breakfast, use protection!" Alya blurted out, the humor in her voice evident.

"Alya—" Marinette attempted to send a witty retort to her friend, but was met with a silent line. The auburn-haired girl had hung up, evading Marinette's wrath.

Alya was lucky that their conversation was virtual. If they were face to face, Marinette would've most definitely started swinging.

She placed her phone back on Adrien's cluttered nightstand, where it rested the night before.

Marinette's eyes were heavy and tired. The previous day not only took a lot out of her, but Adrien as well. While the original plan was to head to Marinette's room, they couldn't even climb the third flight of stairs that night. The proximity of Adrien's dorm ultimately seduced the fatigued duo into staying there instead.

If it weren't for the phone call from Alya, she'd still be sound asleep. Hell, she would probably end up skipping all of her morning classes. While that would put a blemish on her relationship with Mme. Bustier, at least she would be in good—and devilishly handsome—company.

Marinette looked over at the mop of blonde hair next to her, barely recognizing Adrien under his messy locks. The boy's room was nowhere near how the girl would've expected it to look. Sure, there was an electric keyboard in the corner and sheet music strewn across his desk—that was all expected.

Shockingly, Adrien's quarters were dirty. Not rat-infested dirty, but his space wasn't extremely organized in the way that she imagined it would be. Dirty clothes were scattered across the floor, along with a few stray pieces of sheet music.

He had pictures and posters strewn across the walls, all of Paris or old musical artists. While others had vision boards of places they wanted to go, it seemed as though nothing made him happier than staying in the city and listening to music from the sixties.

She thought back to the first time she entered his dorm room, when she helped Nino pick out that outfit for his anniversary dinner with Alya. Adrien was blasting his music in the shower, she vaguely recalled it. She wished she knew the song, wished she listened for a tune or lyrics instead of just hearing the noise.

Marinette regretted not paying more attention back then. Not paying more attention to a lot of things.

The girl hadn't talked to him about their budding relationship that much, last night was mostly about them making up for lost time. Not much talking really happened at all, most of their time was spent cuddling or trading soft kisses.

Adrien began to stir, stretching his arms. He felt around on his mattress, obviously searching for Marinette's warmth.

"M'lady?" he said groggily, eliciting a giggle from his partner. That morning voice made her so weak in the knees, she was lucky to be sitting down.

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