06 ⇢ asshole agreste

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"Bye-bye, little butterfly." Ladybug said, using her yo-yo to transform the creature back to its initial pure-white state.

"Pound it!" said both her and Chat Noir, colliding their knuckles and exploding their hands backward.

"Excellent job tonight, Milady." Chat enthused, hugging his partner tight.

Despite the feelings of her partner, the fight had not been that excellent for Ladybug.

Although externally, she was on her A-game, internally, she was replaying the event that took place on her balcony moments before the battle. The blunette found herself paying more attention to Chat, and she didn't like it.

Her disdain for this new awareness of Chat wasn't only because she wanted to avoid developing deeper feelings for him. Moreover, it was because she never realized how much she brushed him off to work independently in the past.

She'd wondered if Chat noticed how she often simply ordered him around during battles in their first few months.

"Thank you, mon chaton." Ladybug replied, smiling up at her partner once he released her.

"So, you never told me how you got to Paris all of a sudden." Chat enquired, looking at his teammate quizzically.

Obviously, Ladybug couldn't tell him the truth about her relocation. Racking her brain, she decided to take a quote from Tikki.

"I always figure something out, don't I? The distance was an obstacle, so I got rid of it. How I did it, however, doesn't really matter." she said, shrugging her shoulders to downplay the situation and hopefully change the topic of conversation.

She had only used her Lucky Charm about two minutes ago, and Chat would never stop talking her ear off until she had less than a minute left. It was endearing that he enjoyed spending time with her, but annoying that he was chatting her up after a battle this late at night.

This behavior has always caused her to believe that either Chat was incredibly lonely in his civilian life, or was always talkative and flirtatious, whether in or out of uniform.

"You're really not gonna share with me? Totally rude, Ladybug." he said with a roll of his eyes. "I guess if you're not sleeping on the streets, I shouldn't worry."

She let out a small laugh, causing Chat to stiffen for a split second.

"Yes, I'm not on the streets. I actually like it a lot here, for the most part. Plus, I'm closer to my greatest friend and ally." Ladybug said with a smile.

It wasn't hard for the blunette to see the deep blush creep onto Chat's face.

"You mean the world to me, Milady. Just knowing that you're closer helps me relax a little." Chat said, softening up a little. Ladybug wished that he would show this side of himself more often. "And Lord knows I need that."

Ladybug scoffed. "That's weird, I've always seen you as the most laid back person in the world."

Chat smiled softly, leaning over to whisper in Ladybug's ear. "There's a lot you don't know about me, ma coccinelle." he drawled, causing the girl in question to become slightly flustered.

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