05 ⇢ evening visitor

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Once Mme. Robert stepped into the classroom, Marinette was already done for.

To put it in arithmetic terms, Luka flirting plus Adrien's daddy issues equaled a preoccupied Marinette.

As if it was a gift from the heavens, the period passed quite quickly. Mme. Robert gave the students a pre-test to gauge their skill level and personalize their experience in the course. It was a four person class, after all.

Marinette whizzed through it, occasionally skipping a question because she couldn't emotionally handle it at that moment. Her brain power was now on the fritz, and it wasn't a feeling that she liked.

Without her intelligence, she felt powerless. She prided herself on never coming off as naive or stupid, and the fact that boys were the reason for her flustered attitude ticked her off even more.

Soon after the bell rang, Luka strolled up to Marinette's desk. The young girl packed her bag, glancing up at the boy who towered over her.

"Hey, Dupain-Cheng. Will I be seeing you later in music composition, by any chance?" he asked casually.

The boy didn't even introduce himself. Marinette already knew his name, of course, but she still would've appreciated a proper greeting from him.

"No, I'm in fashion. Why?" Marinette asked, trying to sound disinterested. On the inside, she scolded herself.

Why was she giving him such mixed signals right off the bat? She had very obviously flushed when he offered her a smile earlier, but now she had the audacity to be short with him? While she reminded herself that this man was pretty much a complete stranger, she still felt bad for acting so hot and cold.

One of Marinette's fatal flaws was that she couldn't say no to anyone or anything. Sure, it allowed her to do a lot of good in her community, but it also allowed others to use her very easily.

She was hoping that no one at Lycée Fauré would ask too much of her, abusing her kindness.

"Oh, I was just wondering if I was going to be seeing more of you. Since I guess I won't be," Luka started, pushing his shaggy hair back nervously, "would you like to see me later? For dinner, maybe?"

What the fuck?

That was the only thing that crossed Marinette's mind. This guy had talked to her for maybe half a minute, and he was already asking her out?

Was she omitting some pheromone?

The girl felt the room empty out as Mme. Robert gathered her things and exited, a flustered Adrien following close behind the teacher. Max and Kim were already long gone as well.


Now they were alone together?

"Oh, it wouldn't be a date or anything!" Luka added quickly after an uncomfortable period of silence. "I know you're a newbie around here, and things can get intense. As someone who survived all of this, I just want to give you the best advice I can."

Marinette smiled up at the tall boy, deciding whether or not to believe that his intentions were pure. Juleka hadn't spoke poorly of her brother to Marinette, but they'd also met about three days ago.

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