04 ⇢ the very first day

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Marinette strolled into class that Monday morning with Juleka, Alya, and Rose by her side. She felt the most energized she had in weeks, all thanks to her mysterious pianist's lullaby.

Others, however, didn't look as well rested.

Others, meaning one Adrien Agreste.

It seemed as though having to get up early for school wasn't his thing, as the blunette could see the slightly pronounced bags already forming under his eyes after one restless night.

Strangely, Marinette thought the sleep-deprived look was a good one for Adrien. His green eyes stood out even more so than usual.

She quickly found a desk in the classroom behind Rose. Juleka and Alya sat on both sides of her, as to protect her. Unfortunately, the free desk behind her was soon filled by Chloé Bourgeois herself, with her dutiful lackey Sabrina occupying the one on her boss' right.

Chloé set down her Birkin bag aggressively on the desk before strolling over to Marinette, standing over the blunette as she cowered in her seat.

"Hi, Dupain-Cheng, is it?" Chloé asked in a biting tone. "I saw you at that quaint little gathering last night and never got to introduce myself. However, I did notice that you got super friendly with my Adrikins." she hissed, nodding her head back to gesture at Adrien, who seemed to be half awake as is.

"He's a shy boy, never had many friends. I'd advise you to stay away. You wouldn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, right?" Chloé said, raising her eyebrows, as if she was searching for a response to her clearly rhetorical question.

"Yeah, but you see, he-" Marinette started before being cut off by the blonde.

"Okay, I'm so glad we're on the same page! I've heard you're a fashion girl, so I'll probably see you later today too! Bisous!"

The entitled girl was so sickly sweet, the blunette would've preferred if she was just a transparently mean girl. Instead, Mlle. Bourgeois masked her meanness with a thick coat of sugar, almost like spritzing perfume under your armpits halfway through the day after you forgot to put on deodorant. It doesn't get rid of the stench, it just makes it take a new form of heinous.

Of course, Marinette wouldn't make a point to provoke the head bitch in charge (HBIC, if you're feeling nasty) on her very first day, so she cooperated.

As the time on the clock at the front of the room neared closer to nine, more students rolled in. Some faces were familiar from her dorm, like a girl named Alix and a guy named Ivan that she had met briefly the night before, but some students were total strangers to the girl.

Nino strolled in about two minutes before the bell rang, in what she already knew was true Nino fashion. He swung by Alya's desk to plant a fat kiss on her cheek before sitting at the empty desk on Adrien's left. She observed as Adrien gave a small wave to Nino, who was sure to embarrass him by giving him a grandiose greeting in return.

This shy, quiet, Adrien was nothing like the Adrien who talked to her last night. Sure, he may have been uptight no matter what, but the Adrien from last night was teasing Marinette, even laughing a little!

The sound of Adrien's chuckle filled her mind like a symphony, her face turning red at the memory of his throaty laugh.

The Adrien from last night bared a striking resemblance to a certain suave cat she knew. However, if Chat had Adrien's skill of knowing when to be quiet, maybe Ladybug wouldn't constantly turn down his requests to go on a date.

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