15 ⇢how did you figure me out?

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To be fair, Plagg seemed pretty freaked out as well. Not as freaked as Marinette, but definitely not cool as a cucumber.

Marinette sat up in bed, her back pressed against the headboard as she held her comforter to her chest. Plagg was just as unsettled, fear filling his enormous green eyes.

"I'm sorry! He really didn't want you to find out like this, but there's a real akuma emergency! Since I can phase through the locked door, he sent me to get you and Tikki." Plagg rambled, flying around in panicked circles.

"Why didn't you just wake Tikki?" Marinette hissed, slightly annoyed at the creatures careless actions.

Plagg had been doing this gig for centuries, didn't he know better? Chat Noir and Ladybug were always destined to figure out each other's identities, Tikki told her so. However, this discovery wasn't reciprocal in the slightest.

Sure, Chat knew, but Marinette still felt in the dark for the most part.

"I couldn't find her, so I had to wake you! The kid will be about as thrilled as you are, trust me." Plagg was in hysterics, but nevertheless piled on the usual sarcasm in his tone.

Although she was shocked that Chat really knew her identity, Marinette saw it as a good explanation for all of the balcony visits, along with the flirting.

It was nice to know that Chat enjoyed both the masked and unmasked versions of her, but she was still confused as to how the cat-boy knew her identity.

If he'd known who she was since he started coming to her balcony at night, he'd been keeping her in the dark for a while. All in all, Marinette simply craved answers. Funny, since she used to be the girl who had all of them.

Marinette turned her head, surprised to see an empty space next to her. Tikki wasn't in her normal resting spot on the bed.

When the young girl fully registered the creature's absence, she quickly deduced where the small being was. Tikki never went far, and her second favorite resting place was only a foot or two away from her number one spot, the bed.

Marinette got out from under her covers and sauntered over to the vent on the floor of her room, kneeling down on the hardwood to lift the metal grate up. There she found a sleeping Tikki, the pink and black being most likely falling into her slumber while listening to whoever was playing in the practice room earlier.

The girl gently poked her companion, slowly waking the celestial being.

"Is everything alright?" Tikki asked, letting out a terminally cute yawn. Unfortunately, Marinette didn't have the time to fawn over her.

"We have a situation, Tikki. Actually, multiple situations." she sighed, her thoughts roaming on how she'd deal with her feline partner after the battle.

Tikki flew up out of the vent with a determined look on her face, signaling to Marinette that she was ready to transform her.

"Tikki, spots on!"

Marinette had never transformed in her room at lycée, it felt a little odd for Ladybug to be in Marinette's world. The spandex-clad girl turned around to face a dumbfounded Plagg. He seemed shocked, most likely doubting that Chat had correctly guessed her identity.

"That kid is too smart for his own good. The smart-ass said he'll meet you out on the balcony after he transforms." the cat-like being mumbled before phasing through the wall to leave the room and find his holder.

Ladybug—and Marinette for that matter—had always seen Chat as a dumb kitty. How could a guy like him possibly discover her true persona? Marinette and Ladybug had little in common, especially when it came to how she acted around the cat-boy.

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