09⇢trespassing and eavesdropping

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By 11:30, the dormitory party was in full swing. Nino had gone downstairs to check that the lazy guard at the front door was fast asleep before breaking out some killer music. He blasted the beats but remained cautious, hoping that the commotion couldn't be heard down in the lobby.

In actuality, it was common knowledge that the dorm was built like a fortress. The walls and floors were thick concrete, allowing for plenty of noisy shenanigans.

Students were gathered in the common area, most of them dispersed around the second floor to engage in side conversations. The main event was in the center of the floor, which had become the designated place for dancing. Of course, the dance students showed off, while the others were just happy to participate. Nino handled the DJ duties quite well, playing his own music, as well as some of Max's mixes.

Marinette stayed away from the cursed jungle juice for the most part, still on her first measly cup of it. Others, however, were obviously set on losing control that night. Being her observant and protective self, she'd noticed that Rose and Alya, as the mixologists, had their fair share already.

Rose was dancing all over Juleka, while Alya stood next to the blunette as the two of them leaned back to chill against the wall. The auburn-haired girl was endlessly whining about how Nino's DJ obligations were seriously cutting into their make out time.

Marinette absentmindedly nodded in agreement with every remark that Alya made and kept to herself, enjoying the people watching that she was doing from the corner of the room.

She watched as student by student emerged from the kitchenette, red cup in hand. She knew exactly who was on the their first drink, their second drink, and who must have had a death wish with all of the alcohol they were consuming.

The last person Marinette had expected to leave the kitchenette with a drink was Adrien Agreste. By his uncharacteristically relaxed movements, Marinette assumed that he was already a bit tipsy. Overall, not drunk, but teetering on the edge.

She was surprised he could even stomach the fruity drink, rich guys like him probably only drank the finest liquors.

For most of the night, the blonde had accompanied Nino, assisting him with the technology. Now, however, he had apparently gone to get a drink, and was bombarded by Chloé during his exit from the kitchenette.

Marinette felt her blood boil. Surely not because she felt possessive of Adrien, but because the spoiled girl did nothing but make him uncomfortable.

Chloé was dressed up as Cher from Clueless, and Marinette had to admit, the costume suited her. She had a hand on Adrien's chest, pressing him back against the nearest wall as she chatted him up. Marinette noticed him taking frequent sips from his drink, almost as if Chloé would be more tolerable to talk to if he were drunk.

As much as she wanted to bust out her Ladybug persona and save Adrien from the wicked girl, Marinette knew that she just couldn't.

Additionally, Adrien hadn't really done anything to deserve her help. It occurred to her that beside the compliment he paid her earlier that night, she'd never seen him be kind, or exhibit any emotion at all beside 'swag' and 'brooding'.

So, she leaned back against the wall, her eyes set on the train wreck that was occurring a few meters over.

Adrien seemed to make some sort of excuse for himself, slithering away from Chloé and back toward Nino's station. The clingy girl had run a hand through his hair before he left her, messing up his usually styled mop. As much as Chloé putting her hands on him upset Marinette, the relaxed style looked good on him.

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