13 ⇢ love machine

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Snapping Marinette out of her trance, Adrien set the bags of pastries down on their table, sitting down in the chair across from her. Along with the sweets, he carried two to-go cups, setting one down in front of Marinette.

"Normally I'd get coffee here, but considering the hour, I just got us both camomile tea. Helps with sleep." Adrien raised his cup to his lips, taking a quick sip.

Marinette got straight down to business, rummaging through the pastries. She found chouquettes, palmiers, sablés and...

"Macarons!" Marinette practically squealed.

Adrien smiled at her, leaning back in his chair with arms crossed over his broad chest. "You have a sweet tooth?" he leaned forward, grabbing a chouquette and popping it into his mouth before returning to his resting position.

Marinette nodded, sifting through the several decadent flavors of macarons that he purchased. "Mhm, and you can buy for me any day, rich boy," she mumbled, grabbing a pistachio flavored cookie and taking a bite.

Although she was preoccupied with finishing the little piece of heaven in her hand, Marinette could never have missed Adrien pull off what was probably the most dramatic eye roll of the century.

His action caused her mind to shift to a different issue—loosely related to Adrien's financial situation—assuming that it was as good of a time as ever to bring the topic up.

"Actually... speaking of that. Since you're so comfortable talking about Luka, I have a question for you. Actually, multiple questions." Marinette suddenly felt very shy. She'd been hounding Adrien for answers all night, exploring topics that were far too heavy for the first date.

However, if he didn't mind, why should she?

"Shoot." Adrien said, leaning forward and grabbing a passion fruit macaron to snack on.

Even with all of the pestering she was doing, he was still so chilled-out... it nearly left her baffled.

"Around when I had first met Luka, he said he had a gripe with you for taking an apprenticeship at the Paris Philharmonie this past summer." Marinette started.

"I know," the blonde said dismissively.

Marinette was shocked at his reaction. Surely he didn't actually know about Luka's disdain for him. Even if he was aware of it, he couldn't possibly know the level of pissed-off Luka was with him, right?

Adrien leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table in order to rest his chin in the palms of his hands.

"Marinette, you wanna know one good thing that has come from sitting behind a piano practically every day for the past fourteen years?"

Marinette nodded her head, taking a small sip of her tea. It was good.

"I have a really good ear, and not just for pitches and rhythms. I pick up practically everything and listen a lot more than you think I do. I heard him that day in class, whether that was his intention or not." Adrien's tone began to turn venomous at the end of his statement, his annoyance with Luka apparent.

This whole "good ear" thing was news to Marinette. Suddenly, she began to panic internally.

Had he heard her across the room when she spoke about him with her friends in Mme. Bustier's class? Did he know what every inflection in her voice meant, like a map down to her true emotions?

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