17 ⇢revelations

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Although Marinette tried to convince Adrien that three days wouldn't feel all that long, she now held the title of 'World's Biggest Hypocrite'.

Three days felt like a lifetime to Marinette, especially when she knew that something was bothering Adrien. His discomfort was apparent, but she was never around him long enough to make a query about it.

She could've interrogated him during math, but from the way he was acting, she assumed that he—most likely—would only admit his qualms to her in private.

So, she waited. Adrien would be in her room Friday night, prepared to watch all of his favorite rom-coms and cuddle her to death. Marinette couldn't bear to see Adrien in such a funk, but she had faith in Nino. Surely, he could tide him over as a support system for the rest of the school week.

Marinette told herself that if Adrien hadn't opened up to her by Friday night, she would take initiative and ask him about it.

For the time being, she allowed things to stew. Although her hypothesis about Adrien was simply that, the situation caused her to realize just how much attention she paid to him.

Marinette couldn't tell if Nino—a fellow Adrien worrywart—also thought something was off, and she sure as hell wasn't going to ask him and set off his 'Adrien Panic Button'.

So there she sat, Friday night, in wait for her...



She still wasn't quite sure what they were.

Marinette had internally decided that Adrien would have to clarify it, as she lacked the guts to ask him a simple question. In wake of her clouded thoughts, she scrambled around the dorm room, thankful that she managed to kick all of her roommates out that night.

Alya was already settled in Nino's room, Marinette's phone blowing up with Adrien updates from her. She chose to ignore them for the time being, they got a little too stalker-esque for her liking.

Rose and Juleka went out with Luka to grab dinner before some underground band's concert, they were planning on going to go back to the Couffaine houseboat afterwords.

At last, there was an entire empty quad; all for Adrien and Marinette to traipse about in.

And she was terrified.

Incessant buzzing came from Marinette's pocket, and she already knew who the never-ending texts were from. She took a deep breath, slightly scared to see the new string of messages from her roommate.

[ALYA]: the eagle has landed! i repeat... the eagle... LANDING!

[ALYA]: queen you better be reading these

[ALYA]: the eagle is your boy toy and the landing is him coming into nino's room and saying bye

[ALYA]: he may have knocked, but he still ruined our make out sesh

[ALYA]: remind me to get u guys back for that one day 🙄

[ALYA]: this is when you text me back and say "ALYA!! we are NOT smashing tongues and pelvises like cavemen!!"

[ALYA]: pelvises? pelvee? pelvi?

Marinette sighed, laughing slightly at the girl's messages. Even if she annoyed her to no end, Alya was the comic relief in her otherwise stressful life.

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