10⇢surprise visitors

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"I said, what the h-hell are you doing in my room? And going through my desk?" Marinette avoided her stutter as much as she could, swallowing harshly.

If the boy standing across from her was sober, she'd expect him to clam up and lie his way out of the situation. However, drunk words are sober thoughts.

"Feisty, Mademoiselle. Don't tell anyone, but this is one of my favorite movies. Well, one of my mother's favorites." Adrien said, keeping his cool posture. Apparently, his sober thoughts were all nonsense. She was surprised at the smoothness of his speech, however. Perhaps he wasn't as inebriated as she once thought.

"What movie?" the blunette was still irritated, her blue eyes piercing into his green ones.

"Breakfast at Tiffany's, duh." the boy shrugged, leaning his head back to look at the ceiling. "I used to watch it with her all the time; she was always a sucker for the classics."

Marinette's expression softened. She hadn't forgotten that Adrien was messing with her possessions, but couldn't deny that him talking about his mom was cute. Maybe all he needed to relax and function like a normal human being was a shot or two.

It was common knowledge that Adrien's mother had passed a few years back, it was the whole reason his father had become a hermit. Or, at least that was the assumed reason in the fashion world.

"You wanna know a secret, Marinette? Something about you just makes me wanna," he paused to mull over the correct word to use. "Vent."

Marinette sighed and nodded, sitting on the foot of her bed. She patted on the mattress next to her, signaling Adrien to sit down. He obeyed her command, taking the spot.

"Seeing you tonight, it reminded me a lot of my mom. More than you usually do..." he laughed.

"Actually, wait. I take that back. I shouldn't tell you that you remind me of my dead mom."

Marinette threw a hand over her mouth in shock. Gosh, was he brash!

"Adrien!" she was shocked, to say the least. He raised a finger to rest against her lips for a moment, their eyes locking.

"Shush. I'm allowed to talk like that. Helps dull the pain." the blonde ran a hair through his hair, messing it up further in the process.

Marinette frowned, but nodded in agreement. After all, who was she to tell him how to speak on his mother?

Marinette couldn't help but like the inebriated Adrien. He was vulnerable, talkative, straightforward... Everything that the 'real' Adrien wasn't. Well, if anything about the 'real' version of him was truly real at all.

"Is that why you chose to come here? For a new start without her ghost around?" Marinette asked, leaning back on her bed. Adrien followed suit, letting out a deep breath. It was a heavy question to ask a drunk person, but it was burning in her mind.

"I'm not even sure why I chose to come here. Most of it was my father's doing, I was just complicit. But now, I'm grateful that I came here after my mother passed. When you move around as much as I did as a kid, you don't make friends well. I may not have many friends here, but at least everyone likes me." Adrien babbled on and on, and Marinette enjoyed being able to really hear his voice. Hear his opinion.

She nearly laughed when he claimed that everyone liked him. She knew for a fact, one certain boy with freshly dyed blue hair wasn't very fond of the blonde.

"You're a great conversationalist when drunk, you know." Marinette turned her head to look at him, laughing. He turned his head to meet her gaze, scowling.

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