18 ⇢ "you think i'm crazy, don't you?"

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It was around five o'clock in the evening on their lazy Saturday when Adrien and Marinette decided that they desperately needed to get out of bed. The boy's stomach was growling incessantly, and the girl couldn't tolerate her dry mouth for much longer.

So, there they stood, hunched in front of the sacred Quad 13 mini-fridge as they re-hydrated and snacked on the odds and ends that the girls kept around.

"I still can't believe this." Juleka muttered from her place on the couch in the common room. Rose was passed out on her lap, blonde hair splayed across her forehead.

"Why?" Marinette questioned, turning around to face her. Adrien kept his back turned, feasting on a bag of Doritos.

Juleka shook her head, looking Marinette up and down from across the room. "I never could've imagined someone like you being with someone so—Adrien." she finished quickly.

Adrien whipped around, fingers orange with Dorito dust as he raised an eyebrow at the raven-haired girl. "What's that supposed to mean?" he enquired.

Juleka rolled her eyes, reaching an arm back to lean against the couch. "I mean, I just thought she'd be into more of a free spirited type of guy." she said with a shrug.

Marinette knew that Juleka had no hard feelings about how things between her and Luka had ended. They'd never really established their flirtationship anyway, and Juleka made a point of keeping her brother's love life far from her social life.

"What makes you think that I'm not a free spirit?" Adrien asked, cocking his head to the side.

A devious smile spread across Juleka's face as the boy incorrectly interpreted the situation. It was quite clear that Adrien thought Juleka was attempting to redeem Luka in Marinette's eyes, making a jab at him in the process.

Marinette elbowed the boy gently, silently signaling him to cool it. Tensions were high, as the duo was anticipating an akuma attack to come in the next hour or two. Although he tried to play it off, she could tell that Adrien was nervous as all hell.

Juleka simply shrugged, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. "I'm sure you'll continue to surprise us all, Adrien." the artist mumbled in her usual tone. She left the conversation to fall into a slumber, napping just like the blonde in her lap.

Adrien rolled his eyes, bringing his orange fingers up to his lips to suck off the Dorito dust. Although Marinette would normally find that behavior unsavory, something about seeing Adrien let go of the manners that were founded in him as a child made her smile.

"Hey, how about we go downstairs and see if the practice room is open? I'd love it if you'd play for me, I haven't heard you in days." Marinette looked up at him and batted her eyelashes.

It was true, she hadn't even heard him through the vent. Perhaps he had been settling with the electric keyboard in his room for the past couple of nights.

Adrien responded with a small nod, popping his newly-cleaned index finger out of his mouth as he headed toward the door. Marinette followed close behind, a stray hand lingering on his hip. She couldn't help but always keep a gentle hold on the boy, as if he would slip out of her reality if she parted from him.

Adrien didn't mind the soft touch, placing his right hand on top of Marinette's as he used his left to turn the doorknob and exit the dorm room. The halls were bustling, no one caring enough to pay attention to the couple as they made their way to the nearby stairwell and descended it.

As they stepped foot on the second floor, Adrien grabbed the hand Marinette had on his hip with a little more force, shifting their position. He gently pulled her to his side, continuing to walk as their fingers interlocked. She quickly understood the reason for his action as they walked past the center of the common floor, filled to the brim with socializing students.

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