Bad taste in Men

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"Mom, why didn't you tell me that Anthony has another sister?!" I growled. "Nia it isn't any of your business....i don't know the girl but Anthony wanted to meet her because...Sean was killed" she croaked.

I'm livid, Anthony calls me to tell me he has a 18 year old sister. I do feel bad for their loss, even though I hated the man just because he knocked my mom up and ignored her calls when she said she was pregnant. When she told him it was a boy he was over the fucking moon happy. I guess he wanted Anthony to carry on and take over his business when he died.

I don't understand why he would, Anthony's a total pot-head with no common sense or brains. "Honey its not that big of a deal" she stressed. "Whatever bye i need some time to clear my head" I told her and left, i know i told Sean i would be with my mom all day but i needed to cuddle with him.

I walked in the door, "Sean?" i called. He should be here cause his car is here, I took my headphones out and walked to the bedroom.

I walked into the bedroom to find Sean and two other girls going at it. At that point everything i felt for Sean just shattered. I decided just to leave, I would be calm.

I drove to my mom's, "Hey mom".

"Honey what's up" she said. "I have literally the worst taste in men" i said slumping down in the chair next to her bed. "Baby I love you but you need to slow down, love will find you, you can't force love on yourself because in due end you will be miserable" she confided. She always knew what to say to me, "Mom I think i want to take that trip to Greece" i told her looking down.

"What makes you think i have money for you to go?" she said with a raised eyebrow. "You don't but I do and I think it would be good for us".

"No way I can't, honey you should go" she shook her head. "No mom i've already bought the tickets and asked the doctors if you were allowed to leave the country...which you are by the way" i said. "Please mom please, mother daughter time" i begged.

She just stared at me for a good minute or two while I was squriming in my seat. "When do we leave, Wednesday so we have two days to pack for 4 weeks" I beamed jumping up and down.

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Okay guys so thats kind of were i'm ending the book but i will post a epilogue in the Future so just wait.

Thank you to all the loyal Followers, Commenters and Voters. I love y'all so much, so much hugs and kisses i dedicate this book to all of you. Also Please go vote share and comment on my best friends book that in my opinion is better than mine lol. It's called Wicked Intentions by _WNDRLST_


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