Awkward interactions and Ex's

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I woke up, reminiscing last night's events.I can't believe that happened, i feel like a total slut.I did my morning routine and headed downstairs, only to see a shirtless Arran working on his laptop, looking so sexy.I shook my head and kept walking.

I walked straight to the kitchen to talk to who i guess was his maid/cook."Good morning Miss Nia" she greeted in a thick german accent."Hi" i replied shy and Arran walked in.

"Good morning Mr.Arran" she greeted him."Yes, good morning Bruna" he said with irritation evident in his voice.He sighed, "Is breakfast ready, i have things to do".

"Yes of course, jungen" Bruna spoke.She pointed to the dining room and shooed Arran and I.

I sat down, gawking at the breakfast delights."You know its just food" Arran shot.What a booty hole.

"Yes, Mr. Banks i'm very aware it's just food" I spoke with a tight smile.He glared at me as if he wanted to say something else but just looked down.

I ate my food so fast i almost choked, I just wanted to get away from him, I started to get up-,"Could you please sit down? Arran said looking at his phone and I hesiantly sat down.

"What happened yesterday was a mistake, it will not happen again.....also i'm moving the wedding to a month from now" he announced with a cold eyes."...Okay" I mumbled.

"Seriously i hate it when you mumble" he yelled slamming his fist on the table making me jump.

"I said okay"i spoke loud enough for him to hear me."I'm not a bad guy, so stop with the victim body language" he snapped.

I was fuming, i reached across the table and slapped him hard."Bitch" he spat and i walked out and went to my room.


I eventually had the balls to leave the suffocating castle.I headed to starbucks, a caramel brulee latte always made me feel better.I was waiting in line when a tap on my shoulder startled me."Nia, long time no see" a voice i wish i could forget said.

"John, i would say i'm happy to see you but i would be lying" i smirked with disgust.

He chuckled," ouch, I just wanted to chat, since our last talk ended so badly" .

I just flashed the biggest smile and showed him my ring and his smirk fell off his face was replaced with anger."Your engaged" he saided shocked."Yes with the most wonderful guy in the world, who doesn't cheat on me" i swooned.He gritted his teeth," Congrats....well i should be going now" .

"Okay, i'll send you a invitation" i grinned."Don't' he snapped and walked away.I laughed and decided to call Candice to see if she wanted to hang out.

" Sorry chica, i can't today" she said sounding busy.


I decided to head back 'home' and watch netflix, when there was a knock at my door.

i relculantly opened the door."Hey, um..i'm sorry for being a dick this's just i've got a lot of stuff on my plate" he said shyly."I guess, i forgive you" i said laughing at his shyness.

"Great, what are we watching mrs. Banks" he said jumping on my bed."American horror story" i grinned.

"ohhh sounds good" and grabbed me by my waist and brought me closer to him.OMFG WE"RE SPOONING.I just relaxed as if i wasn't having a girly momment in my head.



: Hello cuties.I'm super duper sorry for the late update, i was just super caght up in this super hard essay i had to write for my world history ap class.I hope y'all forgive me, and sorry if it isn't a super awesome chapter.Also, no editing has happend in this chapter or previous chapters.Also I don't know why but I love Miranda sings version of blank space

Jungen = young boy

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