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Sean😍 above^
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Nia's POV

After what happened with Sean I told him I didn't want to go any further because I was a virgin.He didn't hesitate to apologize and, we just made out the rest of the night.
I woke up with my head on Sean's chest and his arms wrapped around me. I gave him a peck on the lips and tried to slip out the bed. "Where are you going?" He said confused but so damn cute looking.

"I have to go pee" I said shyly.He chuckled.

I turned on the lights and closed the door," ahhhhh oh my God" I screamed the the amount of hickeys I had all over from my thighs to my neck.

I panicked, all this guilt was starting to brew in me. ARRAN.
He's gonna hate me not that I really care, I mean he did parade Chastity around me. Now I was angry, I deserved to treated right even if it was just for a night.

I walked out with Sean holding my phone. "uh what's wrong?" I asked.

"Are you married?" He asked looking hurt."Sean...its not what you think I married this guy for money.." I said but he interrupted me.

"Money?" He said with shock written all over his face and I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

"Yes but not because I'm some money hungry bitch but for my mom that's why I was at the hospital" I explained.

He face softened,"But your still married and he probably loves you" he stressed.

"No, he doesn't because it was he's idea, he married me for money to...well to get more money" I said.

"This is a roller coaster for me, so you guys married each other for money, yes?" he asked.

"Yes and I'm not cheating because he cheated on me too"
I said sadly.

"Do you love him?" He asked. Uh the most cliche line ever but made me think. Do I love Arran, I mean he doesn't make me feel special or anything. I think I wanted the deal to work out more like forced myself. I don't love Arran but I wanted to.

"No...i really don't I just wanted my mom to get the proper treatment" I said.

He got out of the bed and walked over to me. God I feel as if the world just stopped, something about Sean just made my whole body feel tingly.

He grabbed my hands and intertwined his with mine. He nuzzled my neck, "I like you but I think if we want to go further with this we need to keep it to ourselves".

He warm breath against my neck made me shiver. "Your right" I said pulling away.

"I think I'm gonna go home but I want to see you later if that's okay" I smiled.
" I would like that very much" he said.
I walked into he house tip toeing my way to my room. "Mrs. Banks you had me and Mr. Arran all worried" Bruna said.

I could turn around or she would of seen all the love bites Sean left behind. I blushed, " I'm fine I visited my mother yesterday" I started to run up the steps skipping steps to my room and locked the door.

I took a deep breath and rushed to get some cover up to prevent a emotional argument.

"Nia, hey can we talk?" I hear Arran say through the door.

"Um yeah just give me a sec" I said rushing to cake it eve where on my neck and threw on some sweats and a long sleeve shirt.

I ran to the door and swung it open." Hey what's up? ".

"Where were you?" He asked with fire in his eyes. "With my madre" I said with ease.

"Really cause she said she hasn't seen you since yesterday morning and you never came back" he said with anger.

I swallowed, " um I-I went out with Candice she wanted to patch things up which we totally did" I was starting to sweat.

" Stop lying I called Candice and John so you can cancel them out.. so who the hell were you with?" He bellowed.

"I saw an old high school friend at the hospital so we went for lunch and went to their house and I fell asleep there" I said looking down.

" Make or female" he said looking me dead in the eyes.

"Um female" I laughed nervously.

"I had the GPS on your phone be tracked and you went to a Sean Jackson's apartment and didn't leave until 10 this morning...does that sound like a female to me" he yelled. I was caught.

" I'm sorry it just happened.....i mean we didn't have sex we just kissed" I said tears at the brim of my eyes.

"Am I suppose to believe that because you lied to me in the first place" he yelled.

"Oh please you and Chasity had sex and plus this is just a business deal nothing more" I yelled back.

"You know what your right.... we can end this arrangement within 6 months" he hissed.

"Fine by me.... I wish I would have been smart enough to realize this was a bad idea especially to be fake married to a cold, arrogant, worthless, whiny bitch of a man like you...so frickin desperate for money instead of working for it. pompous little bitch-" I spat but didn't finish when I felt a sting on cheek. He slapped me!

"Oh my God, Nia I-I didn't mean to.I just lost control" he stuttered.

"Get the fuck out!" I yelled and he ran out.

I grabbed 2 suitcases and dialed up Sean's number. "Hello".

"Sean I know we don't really know each other but I didn't know who else to call" I sobbed into the phone.

"It's fine whatever you need darling" he said with deep concern.

"Can I stay with you for a while, something happened and I just can't stay here" I cried. "Yes of course" he said.
A/N: okay so Arran may not be everybody's favorite right now.
Team Arran or Team Sean
(Not edited)

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