Backstabbing and White Russians

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(2 weeks later)

Arran and I made many appearences to business party's, gala's, charities, clubs, and i would occasionally show up to his office. Recently I felt something was odd about him, I just thought it was work but when I told Candice she reminded me that Christmas was coming up.

Crap I needed to get him something so, I jumped out bed and headed to the mall.

I went to stores like Banana Republic, Guess, Express to find him something he would like...ha!

I remember him saying he loved Marvel comic books; comic book store it is.
I turned on my heels, "John".

"What are you doing here, Cat Woman?"

"Stalking is illegal, ya know"

"No one is stalking anyone here"

"Good and Goodbye, asshat" I dismissed him.

"Now hold on I want you to meet my girlfriend" he smirked.
" I'm goo-"

"John baby who are-...shit hey Nia" Candice squeaked.

"Wow. Just wow." I muttered and walked away letting a legendary single tear fall.


I walked in to the house heading toward my room with fast determination.

"Hey speedy, where you been?" Arran greeted.

"None of your business" I said not stopping.

"What's wrong with you?" He said with those damn glasses that make my ovaries feel like there gonna combust.

"Nothing I'm tired and I just wanna be by myself Mr. Banks"

"What the hell is up with this now formal talk" he said angrily.

"I'm being professional, this relationship is purely business.........nothing more so yes Mr.Banks is very much so appropriate" I said so stoically I was kind of shocked.

"Fine see you in the morning Miss Parker." he said grabbing his jacket and heading out the front door.
Arran's POV
I walked into the bar and ordered a White Russian(2 oz Vodka,1 oz Kahlúa,Heavy cream...just in case no one knew what it was).
After having like 5 a really hot chick sat right next to me.

I smirked, "Hey there".

She blushed...yep I'm totally gonna tap that,"Hi, I'm Chasity".


While we flirted she downed like 3 cosmos back to back with no hesitation.

"You wanna come back to my place" I slurred already knowing the answer.

"YESSSS" she slurred.

As we pulled up to my house and walked in she started to sing Montell Jordan's 'This is How We Do it' from the top of her lungs.
I covered her mouth and shushed her until we were in my room.

She went straight to my pants unbuckling them and got to work with my big friend down there, and after that I really have know idea what happened.
A\N: Hey guys so I'm back😊
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