New Look

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I woke up, feeling good, hopped in the shower and then it hit me, I'm getting married to a billionaire businessman who I don't even love. I felt like crying, i made a huge decision out of desperation.

My mama would be so disgusted with my decision, she would say something like "YOU BASICALLY SOLD YOUR BODY TO A RICH WHITE MAN". I have to eventually tell her but for now she needs the treatment.


'Knock Knock'

"Come in"

"Hey Mr. Banks... I wanted to ask you a question?" i asked him."You just did, " he snapped. Ignoring him I asked once again "Am i still like your PA or no?".

"Come here, " he demanded and I obliged. He stood up and wrapped one arm around my waist, bringing me closer.I licked my lips, which caught his attention."No, no your not and i need you to sign the contract and a new look if you want to be strutting down the street with me" he said in a cocky voice and gently let me go and pushed passed me to what i was guessing the stairwell.

"Follow" he commanded.

As we entered the eerie vacant stairwell, he pinned me into the wall, I gasped, holding on to his shoulder's for balance.

"When you sign this contract, you will belong to me and only me, do you understand?" he rasped.

"Y-yes, but why couldn't you tell me this in your office?" I questioned.

"So, you wouldn't run, I can be very, very intimidating" he said with pure cockiness leaving those luscious lips. I could look at them forever, gosh I wanted to kiss him so badly.

"Hello, earth to Nia!" he replied to my creepy staring. "Sorry, I got distracted, but weren't you talking about the new look and contract or something like that" I rambled nervously.

"Yes, I guess I was lets go back to my office to sign the contract, it then off to the mall" he said smirking at my nervousness around him.


After signing the contract and him locking it in some type of vault thingy, we went to the mall buying all this expensive clothes,shoes,purses.I felt so bad,"i'm sorry Mr. Bank-".

"Arran, please call me Arran and why are you apologizing for.. I mean you need a new look" he said, looking me in the eyes. How insulting.... Holy mother of crap his eyes were so damn green with a of hint green.

"Okay, I just didn't want you to think I was a gold digger... Cause I'm not" I rambled. Gosh, I really have to stop rambling.

He chuckled, "Nia you should head back to your house and get ready for the business gala, where we will announce our engagement".

"But, I don't even have a ring " I replied."Ah yes here it is", he pulled out the most beautiful diamond ring i've ever seen.I wish this was real, I would love to have a real fiance give me such a jewel.

He slid it on my left ring finger and it looked too pretty on me, i teared up a little and gave him a quick thanks and ran.


A\N: Hello, my lovlies😍, if you do enjoy my book Please vote and Comment😁. Remember, nothing chapter wise is edited. Love y'all😘


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