Interrupted Date

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This is no one from the story I just thought he was hot😂
[Not edited]

Nia's POV

I woke up once again with Sean rubbing small soft circles on my back. He's breath even and soft, i nuzzled more into his neck. He groaned and kissed my head, "Good morning" he greeted in the most sexy i-just-woke-up voice. "Good Morning to you too" i smiled into his neck, kissing his neck softly. He gave himself and i some space only to bring us in for a heated make out session.

After like forever i made breakfast, " Hey Sean i'm going to see my mom this morning so i'll see you later" i said. "Okie Dokie darling" he drawled. I put on a casual navy blue dress with a tan belt and brown boots; I styled my hair in a loose bun with a headband.

I head over to the hospital in Sean's other car, only to park and see a familiar car. I hurried to my my mom's room to hear her laughing. I saw Arran sitting at the edge of my mom's hospital bed, "What the hell?" i bellowed.

"Nia Camille Parker.. sorry i meant Banks, i didn't raise you to use such language" My mother, Katherine gasped. "Mother i apologize but Arran and I are not in love, we married each other for money. I was dumb enough to take the burden of your medical bills and agree to marry a terrible guy for money....for you of course" i rambled.

" Mr. Banks please get out" my mom growled. Arran left, "Nia what were you thinking?" she asked.

"That you would get the proper treatment all we needed was some money" i said. " I'm truly upset with you, If i needed your help i would of asked" she said.

"So i can lose you too.....i don't think so i've lost dad i don't plan on losing you too" i cried. "Baby girl, you gotta let fate do her job" she said softly, grabbing my hand. "I want you to get out of this marriage because its no longer needed, we don't need money we need faith" sh smiled.

"Mama....Arran is terrible.........he um hit me" i cried. "He what?" she yelled.

"I met a guy named Sean last saturday here and we hit it off. We kissed and....I went back home the next day. I said some harsh things to Arran and he got mad...and hit me" i sobbed.

"Oh honey its okay come here" she reached for me and pulled me on to her hospital bed, and hugged me for dear life while i sobbed in her chest.




After my mom and i took a quick nap after i cried, i headed back to sean's place. I walked through the door, only to see candles everywhere along with rose petals. "Sean......." i yelled holding out his name.

No answer, i kept walking through the apartment; until i saw a little table with two chairs. The table had two plates, a bundle of roses, and a candle stick. "Darling-" Sean's deep voice started and scared the absolute crap out of me.

"Oh Jesus scared me" i shrieked. Once i got a good look at him, I bit my lip to hold in a moan. He was wearing a white dress shirt with black dress slacks and his hair was ruffled up a little bit.

He noticed me checking him out and smirked, which made me blush. "I wanted us to have a official date because we kind of skipped that part the first night we met each other" He blushed and scratch the back of his neck. " i'm not really dressed for a date" i looked away.

"Darling you could be wearing overalls and combat boots and still look good enough to devour" he said huskily and licked his lips. I shivered, "um...we should ya know get to the date" i laughed nervously.

He chuckled and ushered me to sit down. He went to the kitchen, probably to get the food. I felt all giddy and blushed at how much he must of went through to get this date all ready. Sean came back with plates of steak and mash potatoes. "Sean it smells great" I smiled and reached for his hand. " Thank you so much no ones ever done this much for me" I shyly said.

"You deserve so much and have made me actually happy.....this is a little weird saying on how we just met like last Saturday" he said looking down. I frowned, " If the situation was different it might not be as weird".

He squeezed my hand making me look up at his piercing eyes. "Let us eat" he said and I giggled.

After we finished eating, he surprised me with dessert ; a cookie cake with ice cream on top. I moaned when it settled on my taste buds. I looked up to see Sean staring at me through hooded eyes. I giggled and bit my lip, "easy now". he chucked and there was a knock at the door.

I decided to go to the bathroom real quick before he got back. While I was in the bathroom I heard muffled yelling, I hurried to wipe myself, pull up my skirt and wash my hands; it was in record timing might I add.

I went to the living room to see Sean and Arran arguing. " I need to talk to her" I heard Arran yell at Sean to which Sean's response was; "No, leave! You need to give her sometime, dude" Sean bellowed.

"You know what I just wanted to tell her that I'm sorry and that I transferred the money to her account already......and that I paid for her moms treatment a month ago" he yelled obnoxiously loud so I could hear.

I couldn't move, he already paid for the treatment before we were even married. I started to cry but why didn't he tell me, I forgive him but I will never forget..never forget that he laid a hand in me.

A|N: hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Um so I might get grounded so this may be the last chapter for a while but I'll find a way to keep updating I promise :/

Also I want to know if anyone can make me a really good cover!!!!! If you can message me please😘

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