Shivers and Tingles.

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Guys please not only vote for this chapter but future chapters

I'm trying something new and i hope you guys will enjoy it


Nia"s POV

Its been 2 weeks and all i've done is eat, sleep ,and visit my mom.She still asks me 'why i'm not with Arran', 'spending time with him working on brewing up so grand babies'.

I just brush her off and go to the cafe inside the hospital, after i got my latte i bump into a hard chest.

"Shit sorry" I apologized spilling my latte all over this person."I'm so darn clumsy i'm so sorry" i ran and grabbed napkins and ran back to the person not looking at their face.I patted and felt abs?I looked up at a GQ male model looking man.I blushed when he smirked at me,"It's fine sweetheart" the man said smoothly.I felt like i was melting, this man was to damn good looking.

"I'll give you some money for a um ya know a new shirt" i stuttered."No its fine but i would love you would i don't know maybe grab some lunch?" he asked.I put my hands behind my back and slid my ring off and put in my purse.

"I would love to but it would be a plus if i knew your name" i flirted." Right of course, smart girl, um Sean, Sean Jackson" He laughed.

"And i'm Nia, Nia Ban... uh Parker".

"well its a pleasure to put a beautiful name to a beautiful girl"He smiled warmly.

"That's a corny pick up line and usually i would of blown you off but i kind of of owe you and plus your hot" I rambled like a idiot.He chuckled,"You think i'm hot?".

I blushed,"Um about lunch?".

"Right of course my car's right outside" He said ushering to the parking lot.

"Oh my goodness you drive a fricking 1970 AMC Gremlin" I laughed hysterically."Hey it's a classic" he laughed with me.

"Yes, i'm aware ,but a Gremilin of all classics...i mean what what about a 1967 Chevy Impala or a 1980 Camaro" I said enthusiastically.

"I agree on the Chevy Impala but a 1980 Camaro, no flipping way" He laughed.

"Fine, fine whatever" i sighed getting into the ugly classic car.

We pulled up to a warm like diner.He was like the most perfect gentlemen, he opened the door for me and treated me like i was so fragile and important.When he talked to me it made me feel things , oh did it make me feel things."Nia?" he asked looking concerned.

He looked...concerned, Arran never looked at me like that he was... i mean is possessive and cute.

"Oh i'm sorry i just had a brain fart" i chuckled nervously."It's okay i just thought something was wrong" he stressed."No nothings wrong " i said looking at my hands which were in my lap.

The waitress came up to us,"Hello i'm your waiter Sidney is there anything i can get you" she shamelessly flirted with Sean.

"A Water" he said ignoring her and looking at me with a smile."Okay and you" she hissed.

"A sweet tea please" i smiled back at him ignoring her.She walked away overly swaying her hips.

We laughed, "So Nia, what do you do?"

"I um sadly i don't do anything right now...But i do have a college degree" i frowned.

"A degree in what exactly?" He asked curiously."Um my major was sports media and my minor was Business marketing"I said shyly.

"Would you like a job..i mean i'm a producer for espn and we are open for a new producer internship"

I looked at him wid-eyed then frowned, "i'm not some charity case if thats what your thinking and plus its a internship theres no gurantee i would get the job" i rambled.

"Slow down there, i'm don't think your a charity case, i just want to see you more" He smirked.

"Oh" i blushed.He reached across the table grabbing my chin making me look up,"Your so damn beautiful" he siad now rubbing my bottom lip.

I felt so confused with these new feelings that i never really felt with Arran.I wish i would have met Sean earlier he would of saved me from this whole marriage mess.

"Come with me,Please" he pleaded."Um we haven't eaten" i said nervously,he was giving me lusty eyes.

"its okay i'm hungry for something else" he said looking me up and down. I was getting wet just from his words.

"Oh alright" i said getting up and we walked back to his car and he drove of to what i'm guessing was his house.

Okay slow down Nia wait until marriage.Wait i am married just...not to Sean.

We got out ,"I swear i'm not a killer or anything" he said unlocking his door to his apartment.

When i walked in pulled me into his embrace and his hands roamed my body while he leaned in to kiss me so sensually.Fireworks i tell you i felt like my body was on fire.He pulled back with us both breathing heavily and kissed my neck and collarbone then my neck again hitting my sweet spot."Sean, please" I moaned.

"Please what Princess?" he panted."I-i don't know" i panted.

"Touch you?" he smirked and slipped his hand under my shirt reaching my breast massaging it.

"Uh" I moaned.He lifted me up with my legs wrapping around his waist.He walked to the wall setting me down and pulled his pants down leaving him in his boxers.

This is to surreal, he kneeled down pulling my skirt down along with my underwear."Mmmm baby are you ready?" he husked. he looked up at me with this lust filled determination and it turned me on even more.

"Yes please" i panted and he connect his mouth to my aching womanhood it was history from there; I almost lost my mind.

Okay guys Sean and Nia did not have sex which i will clarify in the next chapter.

It was super awkward writing this kind of steamy scene but, what do you guys think about Nia kind of cheating on Arran.

Team Arran or Team Sean


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